Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas has now past and we are about to begin a New Year for 2011!! Just as important my birthday is coming up January 5th WHOO HOO!! Along with that in January I will be having my knee surgery on the 11th. For those of you who do not know, I unfortunately tore my ACL in the game against Wilmington, however I just made the cut off for red shirting this year!! Sooooooo... for the rest of this year I am and will be working extremely hard so I can return and continue to battle as a yellow jacket for two more full years!!
With all that aside, we just had our annual Christmas party! Which I have to say has been the best one yet since I have been to BW!! We had amazing food, Olive Garden of course:) along with our hilarious "white elephant" gift exchange! Afterwards, we always have team skits which are super entertaining. The freshman with the clever and hysterical "13 days of Christmas" and us upperclassmen with our own scene/cheer from the movie bring it on! All in all was a blast :) Lastly, our next game is on my b-day against John Carroll and I am looking forward to our next OAC victory!!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Finally, A Home Game!!
Tonight we have a JV game against Lakeland and ready to show them once again what YellowJacket basketball is all about. We undefeeeated We undeeeefeated. =]
And last but not least we finally get to play a home game against Otterbein on Wednesday!! Sooo excited to not have to sit on a bus for 5 hours a trip.
I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas; nothing is better than being with Family, a christmas tree, and home cooked meals.
God Bless!
Keep on Stingin' Jackets!
Jen Calhoon #21
Back to B-W!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Saturday, December 11, 2010
"Carpenter" ( i guess that is my name now?)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Study, Study, Study...DONE!!
AWW Jackets
JoBeth Roll #14
Sunday, November 28, 2010
It's the final countdown :)

Catherine #42 --"look good, ya play good."
post gobble gobble!
Go Jackets!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
We had a spelling bee on the bus, and Jessica Lairson stole the whole show. Kristen hung in there. I got out on definitely (sp?) really...I never spell that right. While waiting in line, JoBeth and I got down on "Ice Ice Baby". I'm feelin some karaoke girl..we will own it.
Also, I found out that Autumn can do the stanky leg, dougie, AND play the acoustic guitar. Total package. Jen and I were jammin on the keys in the hotel and Drea was getting down too. I had a lot of fun.
Surgery is on Tuesday and I couldn't be more scared, but more excited. It can only get better from here! I just wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and still making me a part of this team. You guys help me stay positive each and everyday, and I seriously mean that. My world fell apart in September when I tore it, and you guys have been there ever since. I really appreciate that. I love you all :)
ThanksgivingisalmosthereandImSOEXCITED!!!! I'm ready to eat everything on the Ziemski's menu and sit around all day and enjoy time home with the family and MR. Paco, the sweetest cat alive.
I hope you guys kick BUTT at CASE. I will miss you guys and be rooting for you straight outta surgery!
Have a good break everyone :)
Lizzard #25
Thursday, November 18, 2010
On the Road Again!:)
The roommates and I just finished watching My Sister's Keeper...yes i know it has been out forever, but it was my first time watching it. Definitely a tear jerker and highly recommended if you have not seen it. And we are already in the holiday mood with our Christmas lights up in our room! Can't wait to start hearing all the Christmas music!:) But not excited for the snow. Study, study girls! Two more weeks then finals!
Amanda Schroeder #12
Monday, November 15, 2010
Here we gooo!
Ali #22
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Jess Carpenter #33
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Well there’s only a little over a week left until our 1st game! I can’t wait! This week we had our 1st scrimmage against Tiffin, which was awesome even though we didn’t end up on top because it was the 1st time we got to play together as a team. We’ve been working really hard and just need to let a few things fall into place to be unstoppable. Other good news is that it snowed earlier this week! I absolutely LOVE snow! Winter is my favorite time of the year! Well adios Yellow Jackets!
Lexi #45
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween lil Jackets
I hope everyone had a safe and fun Holiday and we'll see you in the season!
AWWWW Jackets!!!
Jen Calhoon #21
Happy Halloween!!
Hey everyone! So this week the hive has really been buzzing! We had our annual "Brown and Gold Game" on Saturday. It is a tradition to split into 2 teams and have our own inner squad scrimmage. Our parents and families come up to watch what we've been learning and then everyone gets to introduce their families. It's a great way to meet the faces that we'll be seeing all year in the stands!! The game was close the whole way but the Brown team (which I was on!) came out on top. So we had 24 hours of bragging rights. Then we all got dressed up and celebrated Halloween! We had a cheerleader, a ninja turtle, fireman, Tom Cruise lol, nerd, sailor, Minnie Mouse, Pepper Anne, a yellow crayon, a prisoner, an indian, and even static cling lol. It was hilarious to see everyone dressed up! Well we have today off and then its back to the court to get ready for our first scrimmage against Tiffin University on Wednesday! The Tiffin Dragons better look out cuz these yellow jackets are ready to swarm!!!
AWWWW Jackets!
JoBeth Roll #14
Thursday, October 21, 2010
6 practices down, 20 to go!
Rachel #10
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The season is almost here..... :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
I'm a little late too on this but better late than never. Today was the last day of 6 a.m. conditioning!!!! Woot woot. I'm just happy my eye isn't grottie anymore. That was terrible. Not to mention other people who are getting sick :( hopefully all of us that aren't feeling so good will get better soon! School is getting a little tougher and I'm sure everyone has been busy busy busy. My friend asked me how long we have been up here and I realized that we have all been here for almost two months already! Time is flying and season starts in less than a week. I'm really excited and a little nervous, but the good kind of nervous... It's hard to know what all to expect. Hopefully we can all finish strong on Wednesday and stay healthy! :) Love ya Jackets.
*J Lair.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Like I said, time is certainly flying by very fast. I realized that including today, we only have 5 more conditioning sessions left and approximately 13 days until our first practice! That is amazing. I am personally super excited for this season and I can tell everyone else is as well by how hard everyone is working in conditioning and open gym. Last Wednesday, Coach Campbell put us through an intense spinning workout, and on Friday we had our swimming workout which is always fun!
Lastly classes are going good, almost time for mini B and I get to add two more classes to my schedule...yay! Also, I love living in an apartment this year!! It is sooooo nice having my own bathroom along with it is having a kitchen to cook in! Of course, the living room is completely decorated in batman, I LOVE BATMAN. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well in classes and having fun so far!
~Nancy Coulter #32
Monday, September 27, 2010
I am currently sitting in the cybercafe drinking a strawberry-banana smoothie in celebration of finishing my first econ test of the year. I had a half hour to kill before my next class so I thought to myself, what would I rather be doing right now than blogging? Answer: NOTHING. so here we go... we're about a month into the school year and everything is going really well so far! Everyone is getting settled into classes and of course saving a little time for fun. Morning workouts are chugging along and soon actual practices will be startinggg!! Last Friday we played football, and Catherine Spisak was actually recruited to the Browns, but thankfully she decided to stay and play for the BW Women's Basketball team instead. Thanks for your generosity kitty. My team was not so lucky, and we had to do stations twice, which meant getting to know the 5 ton tire flipping station a little better than I wanted to. Grey's Anatomy premiered last Thursday and we had a watch party at Catherine and Monica's apartment, complete with chicken wing dip that I oh so generously provided. We also had to overcome some adversity early on, with Lizzy and Jess Carpenter both suffering injuries. It is making us stronger as a group though, and we are all pulling together in support of them. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet in the hive. AAAAWWWWWWW JJAACCKKETTSSSS!!
Megan Frisina
Monday, September 20, 2010
Start of week 5!
Workouts have been going very well. Everyone is pushing themselves and striving to do the best that they can. I have come down with a cold which I am not very happy about...I think the flu shot should contain every possible strand of the flu/cold. I am feeling very miserable as I sit here and write this lovely blog and I will try not to infect any of you girls!
I am very excited to be done with preseason and finally start actual practices! :) This season should be very exciting and a lot of fun and I can't wait!
Fall starts this week and that's it! BYE!
Amanda Schroeder #12
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Who knew being a yellow jacket was so fun.... :) We went camping and I must say that I really love the fact that four out of 8 freshman stayed in the ritz. Suckaaaas! We offered to the 2 seniors, but they play fair and square. Clearly, it was TOO hot in there and I guess I would have liked more of a breeze, but I can't have EVERYTHING. So it is what it is.
I was a little hesitant of these early morning workouts, but they are going really really well and everyone is busting their butts every day -- especially on that ladder.
Monica is my lifting partner, and we go hard in the paint...all day every day. End of story.
I also want to thank the people who literally held me up at conditioning when i was dying..haha I didn't see any thanks guys.
So in conclusion, I love it here at BW and i really think of you guys as my family. Seriously. I really look forward to the next four years playing basketball with everyone. Let's ball it up :)
Much Love,
Friday, September 17, 2010
my first few weeks as yellow jacket!..
Natalia Simovic
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Dayy babbyyy
Ali #22
Happy Labor Day
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Lexi Rohrbach, Freshman
Hi! Well, I'm Lexi. I'm from Tiffin, Ohio and I went to Columbian High School. I played volleyball and basketball and I ran track. My family and friends are a big part of my life because I am definitely a people person. My family is just me, my mom, and my brother, but it doesn't seem that small because the rest of my family lives around us too. My mom's name is Becky and we are really close. She was my volleyball coach so I saw her pretty much all day everyday during volleyball season. My brother's name is Michael and he's a sophomore in high school. He's into sports just as much as I am. My Aunt Debbie and Uncle David are a big part of my life, too. About a year and a half ago my dad passed away so they became like my extended family after that. I really don't know what I would do if they weren't a part of my life. They plan on coming to a lot of games so I'm sure you'll meet them at some point. For fun I like to just hang out with friends and I usually get into really random situations. If I had to describe myself I would just say fun and random. I'm a really open person so if anyone wants to know anything you just have to ask me.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Melissa Hoffbauer :)(:

Hi everybody!!! My name is Melissa Hoffbauer and I am a Freshman here at Baldwin Wallace this year :). I am double majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy and Athletic training with the goal of one day becoming a licensed Physical Therapist! I am from super small town called New Washington and I went to an even smaller high school where I graduated with a class of 48!!! BW is definitely different than my hometown because where I live if 4 cars went down my road a day that was a lot of traffic to me ha. One of the pictures is of my classmates and I in our snow days shirts which was a little project a few of us seniors at Buckeye worked on to question why our school board was the first to get rid of all calamity days in a school year! The teachers and students all got involved and we got like a ton of publicity numerous articles including one in the Columbus Dispatch! It was awesome! :) One of the others is of me and my little cousin Lyric he is my little buddy I spent quite a bit of babysitting him this summer! Also in the two other pictures we made a hugeee slip and slide and found a mud slide haha enough said :)! So pretty much from that you can see most of my spare when I wasnt in school or playing basketball ;) I was with my friends and family! Well we are all at BW now and starting open gym on Thursday so Im pumpedddddd! See you all then! =]
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Victoria Brown! =)

Hiii! so my name is Victoria and i am going to be a freshmen and I'm going undecided but i think i want to go into education. I went to Western Reserve high school in Berlin Center, Ohio where there is one stop light and two gas stations and then nothing! My summer has consisted of hanging out with my friends, babysitting my cousins the two boys on the left, and the girl on the right of me, in the picture which is from my great grandmas 85th birthday I'm in the blue, and working out with one of my friends who is going to be playing volleyball in college.The other picture is of me and my friends who just went to the beach in Delaware for a long weekend. My parents are Shannon and Jennifer (or as most call her jbrown). I have a sister named Kristiana she will be a senior at BW this year she's in the bottom picture to the left of me. I have an obsession with Rajon Rondo (Celtics in case you didn't know!) and Reggie Bush(Saints) . I'm pretty excited to be starting school but kind of sad that summer has gone by so fast i can't wait to meet you all! See you in a week! :)
Kristen Troyer
Hi everyone :) My name is Kristen Troyer and I'll be a freshman this year. I went to Garaway High School, located in Sugarcreek, Ohio, better known as "amish country." I'm majoring in Early Childhood Education. My summer has pretty much consisted of working, working out and playing, and hanging out with friends and family. The picture is of my sister Katie and I at my favorite place ever, the beach! :) My parents are Bob and Amy and I have a brother Jake, who will be a junior in high school and Katie or "Bug" will be an 8th grader. Umm some things about me..I'm a very competitive person, I hate losing more than I love winning! I'm a very independent person. Some of my favorite things are shopping, ice cream, coffee, the sun, and of course basketball. I've been ready to go to college for like 3 years now! I'm so excited it's finally here and I can't wait to meet all my new teammates! See you guys in a few days :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hi there :)

^^Top: some sophomore teammates and me trying to dance on senior night. we were terrible needless to say. Bottom:me and my adorable little sister (who wants to be a yellow jacket already haha )
Hellooooo. My name Is Jessica Lairson and I will be a freshman at BW this year. All I can say after meeting some of the girls at open gyms and orientation [Lizzie (= haha] is that I am really excited to get to know all of you and even more so for basketball to start!I'm from Louisville, OH.... pronounced "lewisville", but all the wayuntil 8th grade I grew up in the huge city of Crown Point, a suburb about 35 minutes from chicago. So yes I love the Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears, and White Sox! I am a very competetive person and I hate to lose at just about anything you can think of. My summer has pretty much consisted of working full time as a waitress at this little bar/grill place, which my last day of work was actually today! SO with one week til school starts (and my bday!) I'm finally able to relax a little :) I love meeting new people but admittedly, I'm still a little intimidated. See you all soon!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Rachel Rossman

Friday, July 30, 2010
Lizzy Ziemski is in the house...orrrr hive :-)

Hey everyone! My name is Lizzy Ziemski (Zem-skee)....everyone pronounces it wrong haha. I'm going to be a freshman this fall at BW and I plan to major in sports management....I'm super excited!
<--- Senior night game against Conneaut
I'm from a pretty small town of Jefferson, Ohio in Ashtabula County. I'm literally surrounded by cornfields and dairy farms. My house is in the middle with a basketball court on the side of the barn...hahah it's pretty sweet.
This summer I have worked a pretty insane schedule, I actually work 2 jobs. So workouts are hard to get in, but I'm doing the best I can! I can't wait to meet all of you :-)

Some things about me: I can make noises with your mouth....boom ba-boom kat! So if we have anyone who can freestyle, it's goin down!!!
I love basketball (duh..) and eating, sleeping, working out, music, and stuff along that line.
<--- These are my friends and I at ground Zero in NYC.
Not only am I doing basketball, but I'm also running track. My specialty is high jump. I went to state, 3 years in a row...being state-runner up for 2 of them. So I have high expectations for track too! Down below is a picture of my dad and I after state this year!! He's a pretty cool guy!
So yellow jackets, I'd say it's time for a ring, eh? I'm pretty hungry for a national championship, ya dig?!?
Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Natalia Simovic

Sunday, July 25, 2010
JoBeth Roll
((The pictures above are of me in front of a store called JOJO! and then a picture of all of us getting ice cream!))
Hey everybody, my name is JoBeth Roll and I will be a sophomore this coming year. I am a Communication Disorders major and a Psychology minor from, just like Katie and Olivia, the small town of Bucyrus, OH. I have been really busy this summer working out at our YMCA with my buddies (90 year old ladies on the treadmills and one guy who is training to be a UFC fighter!) Other than working out, I babysit and also work with a few young girls at our YMCA helping them improve their bball skills. I just returned from my wonderful vacation in Isle of Palms, SC!! A week of fun in the sun was just what I needed. My mom, Heidi, my dad, Todd (but affectionately called "Randy" by our team), my brother, Taylor and his girlfriend Peggy (who will both be seniors at BW next year) and my boyfriend Chris (who will also be a sophomore at BW and is also on our men's basketball team) plus my aunt, uncle and cousins all went down and stayed in a huge beach house only one block from the beach. It was amazing to relax, eat some great sea food, and spend some quality time with my family. So now I am back in Bucyrus, where the highlights are bonfires, playing tennis with friends, and...well that is about it haha. I am really excited to get back on campus and meet everyone who I haven't already met. Get excited!!
Jo #14
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Looney Tune Calhoon #21-Sophomore

Friday, July 16, 2010
Jessica Carpenter, sophomore
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Megan Frisina- Sophomore

Monday, July 12, 2010
hello out there......

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monica Gustin-Junior?
Anyways I dont have a picture so im trying to fill space :)
My name is Monica Gustin and I'll be a junior yellowjacket. I live in Bexley, Oho-ten minutes from downtown columbus. I have a younger brother Marcus who will be a SENIOR at BHS, go lions. He plays soccer and basketball. He plays basketball for my dad, Dave who is the head coach at bexley. My mom, Beth, calls him the head basketcase. Right now they are on this home improvement kick, so it's getting dusty.
This summer I have been working at Marcella's Italian Kitchen "Hi! How many are dining with you tonight :D", and doing marketing promotions for companies around Columbus, "Would you like to try some chips today :D!" Also the best movie this summer just came out, Eclipse. It was amazing. Even better was the Harry Potter preview!! I can't wait for the premiere. Today I am going to get my horizontal license, so I'm pretty excited about that! I can't wait to get back at BW and meet everyone and see everyone! Have a safe and fun rest of the summer everyone!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Living the at BW!!
Hey Everyone! I told Coach that I would put up some of the pictures from the past week from our Summer Basketball Camp. We had girls ranging from 3rd grade to 8th grade come for our 4 day camp. We worked on skills, playing 3 on 3, some intense games of BLOB, basketball golf ( my team the Chocolate Monkeys were the champions!) and some great ball friendly drills! Six of us worked the camp this past week : Sophomores Megan Frisina, Jen the "Loon" Calhoon, Rachel Rossman, and me JoBeth Roll and also two new Froshies Kristen Troyer and Lexi Rohrbach! The sophomores attended the midnight showing of Twilight which was great (Go team Jacob!) Haha and then Wednesday night all 6 of us went to watch the Indians actually win a game! Hah, we managed to get ourselves some really great seats and even get on TV!!! All in all it was a great week being back at BW. We all even did our workouts together which is a lot better than my usual workout partners (My 90 year old friends at our YMCA hah). Hope everyone is working hard in the off season so we can all be in shape for boot camp!!
-JoBeth Roll #14
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ali Stack: Senior :)
Amanda Schroeder- Senior =)

Hope everyone is have a great summer! I sure am! So for the newcomers I from Columbus Grove, OH. I'm majoring in Pre-PT/Exercise Science...but I have just decided that my goal now is to be a nurse. So I have a lot of thinking to do before the start of school. As far as my family, my parents are Max and Shelly, and I have two younger brothers, Derek and Blake. I'm currently working at a produce stand for a local business. I'm taking the GRE everyone pray that I do good!:)
I am currently doing Insanity with a friend and we are starting week 3! :) That plus the workouts are extremely tiring, but totally worth it. Can't wait for the start of next season! Hopefully everyone is excited as I am! Well thats enough about me....I'll see you all in the fall!=)
In the picture is my housemates: Becca, Me, Abbey, and Casey It's a lot of fun living with them and we pretty much do everything together!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Great times with Older Yellow Jackets

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Team Camp

Friday, May 28, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
My Final Blog-"Glory Daaaays!"
Sunday we had our team banquet. It went really well. Coach made yet another great highlight tape, and I made it through my senior speech in one piece. I will admit that Ali’s speech about me got me a little frazzled. But I mainly pulled it together, thank goodness. (It is tradition that a junior makes a speech about a senior and then the senior gets to make a speech. Ali was that lucky junior ;) )
One of my teammates said that the banquet didn't feel like a banquet. It felt like a bunch of friends hanging out. I couldn’t agree more. There is truly nothing more rewarding than knowing you’ve affected other people’s lives, and knowing that they have affected yours in wonderful ways as well. How many people are lucky enough to say their best friends are yellow jackets? Not too many. In twenty years, it’s the people that I will remember the most.
So, to sum it up, over the past four years I’ve had good days and bad days; homesick days and days where I felt like I never want to leave; stressful days and lazy days; winning days and losing days; crying days and days where I laughed so much a got a headache. Regardless, one thing is certain. They were all glory days.
Former Center, Ariel Brough #45Keep livin’ the dream ladies.