SOOOOO... just last week we had our second home game against otterbein... it was a bit of a struggle at the beginning but we came together with our fist held high (SYNERGY) and won in overtime so far we're doing well in the OAC. Just this past weekend also was christmas, we got a few days off. I decided to spend my break in atlanta with my brother and his family(to the right is a pic of me and my brother and two of his kids).. road a train downtown, built a gingerbread village with the kids, it was really fun sort of relaxing but still busy.. no sleeping in for me ha. Tonight some of the girls we went to see Black Swan which was AMAZINGGGG! really weird like it was definitely different not for some people like Amanda.. the movie was not happening for her lol but i love and can't wait to see it again! Other than that we have a whole week without a game but its nice cus we have a lot of preparing to do for our huge games coming up in the next week or so and i can't wait to kick some ---..
Signing off Olivia aka olive aka SHOWTIMEEEE french!