last year senior Ariel Brough and I (she was having blog withdrawls so i decided to include her)
HII EVERYONE!! Soo summer is flying by. In about a month we'll all be moving into school (Findley here I come!) I can't wait to see everyone again and meet all the new Freshmen that I haven't met yet! Anyways a little about myself, My name is Megan Frisina and I am from Corry, Pennsylvania, which is about 5 miles south of a big corn field. Haha it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere but I'm about 45 miles away from Erie, Pennsylvania, home to Catherine's favorite place in the country: Waldameer park and waterworld. I am a Sport Management and Business Administration double major. I have a brother named Max who just turned 22 and subs as an aide at Corry High School and also works at Mcdonalds, which he would probably be mad at me for publicizing to everyone haha. I also have a pleasantly plump dog named Butterscotch, who is 15 so she is allowed to eat whatever she wants (She's been eating whatever she wants all her life, but at least now we have an excuse haha). This summer I work as an umpire for the little league and referee for summer basketball camps, so i get yelled at alot, and of course spend alot of time at the Corry YMCA. Today I shared the gym with about 50 little kids who thought my sprints would be alot more fun if I had to dodge them as i ran. Needless to say the Y will be sorely missed once school starts back up. Hope everyone has a great summer and see you in the fall!! AWW JACKETS