Hey Everyone! I told Coach that I would put up some of the pictures from the past week from our Summer Basketball Camp. We had girls ranging from 3rd grade to 8th grade come for our 4 day camp. We worked on skills, playing 3 on 3, some intense games of BLOB, basketball golf ( my team the Chocolate Monkeys were the champions!) and some great ball friendly drills! Six of us worked the camp this past week : Sophomores Megan Frisina, Jen the "Loon" Calhoon, Rachel Rossman, and me JoBeth Roll and also two new Froshies Kristen Troyer and Lexi Rohrbach! The sophomores attended the midnight showing of Twilight which was great (Go team Jacob!) Haha and then Wednesday night all 6 of us went to watch the Indians actually win a game! Hah, we managed to get ourselves some really great seats and even get on TV!!! All in all it was a great week being back at BW. We all even did our workouts together which is a lot better than my usual workout partners (My 90 year old friends at our YMCA hah). Hope everyone is working hard in the off season so we can all be in shape for boot camp!!
-JoBeth Roll #14