Friday, July 16, 2010


Oh hey! everybody.. I hope everyone's summer is going as great as mine working everyday and playing ball lol. For all the newbies coming in that don't know me I'm Olivia, I'll be a sophomore this fall and can't wait to get back!! I'm from Bucyrus/Columbus lol... and as Katie or Jobeth said bucyrus is pretty much a cornfield town not much to do lol.. and i do live on farm if anyone was wondering lol. Summer is going by so fast i can't believe it but i'm excited to get back to school move in and meet all the new girls.. ONE MONTH! YAY! This summer i've just been working and getting ready for fair and i've been doing a summer league at otterbein which i'll be done with next week and like amanda i got the insanity and i'm almost finished with it! let me just say that workout on top of the ones we already have is no joke!! seriously ha. Well i hope everyone is doing great and enjoy the rest of the summer! =]