Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lovin' the hiiiive!
Ali Stack #22
Sunday, December 27, 2009
On the other hand, it is currently BLIZZARDING!! It is very pretty and I can't wait to go sledding whoooooo! Also, I am really enjoying the break from school and all the class work!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS
Last night I went to North Canton with Jess and we watched Hoover. It was a pretty good game but they ended up dominating by 20. It got us excited to play Capital on saturday because it was also a rivalry. Can't wait to eat that victory cake at Monica's.
Go Jackets!
numba 15
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
lets go baby lets go. :)
Catherine Spisak #42
Monday, November 30, 2009
Finals Week Is Approaching
Saturday we played one of the best teams in OAC, Wilmington. Too bad for them the Jackets were ready to attack! Everyone came focused and ready to follow our scouting report and work harder than ever. We stepped up our defense immensely, but especially on 3 point shooters. Three point defense was the key to the game! It was such an awesome win and a great bounce back from Case.
Some of us got together for Schroeder's birthday after the game Saturday and we had a blast! After a group effort win, we topped it off by celebrating together :]
Tomorrow we play my mom's alma mater, JCU. So let's go ladies. Let's get it done!
Buzzz Baby!
#34 Taylor Rogers
The picture to the right is of me and JoBeth after having to walk in the rain! :(
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Lions Are Coming!!
JoBeth Roll #14
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Keepin That Swag
Megan Frisina #4
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I can't believe our first game is less than 2 weeks away! I cannot wait, we have worked extremely hard and hopefully it will pay off. GO JACKETS!!
p.s.- what a WIN by those Buckeyes this weekend...sorry penn state saturday just wasnt your lucky day..too bad. BYEEEEEEEEE
#33 Jessica Carpenter
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The end of training camp was marked by our annual intrasquad scrimmage. It was a close match, but the gold team lost by three points :( It’s OK though because, in the end, we are all buzzing around the same hive.
After our scrimmage we had our Parents’ Reception so all the families could learn who the players and other parents were. I must say I did miss seeing all 50 members of the Heinlen clan who came last year, but I was happy that Mr. Heinlen showed his support with his traditional Heinlen barking during the scrimmage. (Woof woof right back at’cha, Mr. Heinlen.)
The best part of the end of training camp was definitely the Halloween festivities. We had some GREAT costumes this year. Sophomore guard/semi-post Monica Gustin was Harry Potter, but unfortunately she kept casting the Sectum Sempra hex on everyone. Not cool Mon Mon. She also kept pulling off my stinger, which is also not cool because if you pull off a yellow jacket’s stinger, it dies!!! Ah! Freshman guard Taylor “Tator Tot” Rogers definitely had the best costume. She went as Flavor Flav, and it was all kinds of embarrassing. All in all, it was a fun time with some goooood team bonding/dancing.
Senior Center Ariel Brough #45 Awwwww jackets!!
Tator Tot Rogers as Flava Flav and Monica Gustin (who will be angry, but you shouldn't have ripped my stinger off three times, Monica!)
Monica Gustin and I, wand and stinger ready!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Gooooo Jacketss!
Morgan Coulter #20
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Aww Jackets!
Officially two more days, and training camp is finito. As always, everyone’s doing a great job, working hard and pushing themselves each and every practice. Our first scrimmage is this Saturday bright n’ early at 9:30 in the morning. It’s the Brown/Gold Scrimmage and I can’t wait! And it’s also Halloween! This month went by so fast. Soon it’ll be Thanksgiving! Other than that school is going well. It’s getting harder and more stressful for me at least. I’m taking Italian as you may already know and well it’s hard. I study way too much for this class and I have Italian going through my mind 24/7. There’s a test pretty much every week and in fact there is one tomorrow. So I will be studying again tonight for that.
Awww Jackets!
Candace #3
Monday, October 26, 2009
1st week of boot camp
I'll never forget picture day a couple weeks ago, walking into the locker room to see your name printed on a Gold plaque on your locker. Hanging on your locker was your jersey and shorts. It was the coolest feeling ever. For a D3 school, it feels pretty professional.
Practices are good for the most part. No one likes running but the excitement and anxiety for the season to start is unbearable. Classes are going well too, I got an A on my psychology midterm exam and I'm going to brag about it because that is and will be the only A I will probably see in my life. Just kidding of course.
"It's a great day to be alive in the Hive." I love Bdubbs! Gooo yellowjackets...
Jen #21
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Gotta Love BW!
Aww Jackets!
Rachel #10
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Cookies n' Cream
What's the matter with the other team?
Nothing at all, nothing at all
They just don't know how to play BASKETBALL... BASKETBALL!"
I thought I would start the blog off with a cheer since conditioning is over. It is pretty impressive that we ran 15 suicides and the championship maker twice.That equals 96 down and backs for the championship maker alone. (Calculations by Monica) I am also glad that we are now able to eat dinner before practices since Jess and I ordered a pizza almost every night of conditioning and are probably running very low on money already.
"The clock is ticking, and time is running out, so come on JACKETS, knock them out!"
That is what we will be doing to teams this season.
Sunday is the first official day of practice(s) and i'd say we are ready to goooo
Everyone have a great fall break, see you at boot camp sunday.
Go bronks
Monday, October 12, 2009
Its going by too fast!
well only one more week until we start pracitce. Its hard to believe that it is coming so quick, seems like just yesterday I was one of the freshman that didnt know where or how anything was or worked. Pool workout was one of the funniest workouts even though i dont know how to swim...im not even joking... I think that i need to let everyone know that my mom and step dad are going through I really awful divorce and I just want to thank the ones that have known about it and that have been there for me! Im not trying to let that get in my way of playing or affecting the way I act around others. This is one reason why I have been going home so much my mom needs my help and she is one of my best friends and I am gonna be there for her. but enough about that! I have to tell you that I am excited that Tuesday we have pictures because I can't wait until I get to put on my uniform :))))) that will probably be the highlight of my week ( i know lame right haha) but seriously it will probably will be. we all know classes arent that fun and mine are definitely not that fun! I have a big sociology test wednesday and i have been studying my butt off for it that way my mom doesnt kick my butt for a bad grade:/ this past weekend one of my best friends came up from north carolina and I got to spend the weekend with her, i miss my friends and home so much! I never really thought that I would get homesick because I was so excited to leave but it is all catching up with me now! college life is really starting to set in with me and im finally learning how to adjust! but i hope everyone is doing good as we start another week at good ol BW!!!!!!! bring on another week conditioning:(
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
living the dream :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Almost There!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Workin Hard...Playin Hard!!
So we just got done with another week of workouts and study table. Everyone is working hard in the classroom as well as in the gym and weight room. But we don't just play basketball and study all the time either! Last Sunday my roommate/team mate Megan and I went to the Browns vs Vikings game for the Brown's season opener!! We went through a program at BW called NOTT (Night On The Town). Every month there is a activity for students off campus. The events include Browns game, Indians game, Cavs game, Wicked, and HalloWeekends at Cedar Point! This program is a great opportunity to get off campus for a while and enjoy all that Cleveland has to offer! We had a blast at the game, even if the Brownies didn't win :( The season is coming fast! Can't wait for it!!
AWWW Jackets! JoBeth Roll
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Getting that GOOOOD workout!
Ali #22
Friday, September 11, 2009
Working Hard!
As for the weekend...it's a fun-filled one with Country Jam and the Buckeyes playing. Unfortunately I will not be attending the Jam... but instead I'll be in Columbus enjoying the game! GO BUCKS! For those of you who are going have a good time!
I think thats pretty much it...see everybody at SAQ on Monday at 6 PM..yes not in the morning!;)
No new pictures..Sorry!
Amanda Schroeder #12
Monday, September 7, 2009
So Starts Week 3!
This past week I got a little more homework, but still not too much. I'm so depressed thinking of how much it will all really start piling on soon =[
I'm trying to get a game going at about 4 later today and then dinner, I missed my teammates while I was home all weekend!! I always enjoy going home, Happy Anniversary to my parents! We were celebrating, that's why I went home but I know I must have missed a ton of fun up here though! I'm kind of halfway between feeling comfortable as a full time college student and feeling comfortable at home. When I'm at one place, I still miss the other. My family is my rock, but my teammates are becoming my new source of comfort as well. I know it will only get better&easier from here.
But enough about home, we have two 5:30 am's this week-ohhh boyy. Hopefully my roommate will wake up and yell "HOLY NSYNC!!!" when my alarm starts screaming "bye bye bye!" at 4:55 am again hahaha Our schedules will be pretty full with basketball related stuff this week, with the 2 early mornings, 2 study tables and open gym; it will only get busier from here. Bring it on!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
first week
So i finished week one of college so far so good. Been hanging out with the team a lot having a good time with. Met a lot of other people and such. Having two roommates that are in theatre can be a little umm overwhelming at time, they're very energetic and messy!!! lol but they're not to bad. Everybody's pretty exciting and hilarious in their own ways like jenn she's really a character I think she actually surpasses katie lol. So now we're on the second week hopefully it goes by fast because it took forever to actually get to that one week mark for actually being on i felt like i was here for a month!
Olivia French
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sharpening Our Stingers!!
This first week back has been pretty eventful. Since we have so many newcomers this year, it is even more important that we make sure we get to know each other, and that everyone feels comfortable and included. So after a few strenuous days of moving in and getting adjusted, some of the returners threw a little get together for the freshmen. We ended up having a lot of fun. Even though there is quite a wide variety of personalities on this new team (contrast Jen Calhoun's desire to dance and yell with those who enjoy just sitting back and relaxing), so far we have all gotten along really well. I think each individual will bring something beneficial and different both socially and athletically.
The froshies have also been very good about trying to get some unofficial practice in. They have thrown several spur-of-the-moment open gyms, one of which a few returners happened to stumble upon this week. We all ended up scrimmaging each other, and even though we have a lot of fundamental work ahead of us, we were impressed the new talent.
This weekend we are participating in our first team bonding retreat. I'm excited to get to know everyone better. I am also excited for sophomore guard Monica Gustin to start learning people's names so she stops calling them by their shirt colors! :)
Senior Center Ariel Brough, #45
Top: Me and freshman guard Paige "Green Shirt" Whitaker
Bottom: Some of the new freshmen on their first night hanging out with the team.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
It's Here!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009
Candace Pumper
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Rachel Rossman

Monday, July 13, 2009
Amanda Schroeder

Majors: Pre-Physical Therapy and Exercise Science
From: Columbus Grove, OH (not near Columbus)--Columbus Grove High School
>>To the right: Catherine and I on Halloween. Me proudly wearing her high school cheerleading outfit! :)
Hello Everyone!!
Hope your all having a great summer! I am so far, but looking forward to coming back and seeing everyone! I'll probably be described as the quiet one, but don't worry I open up once I get to know someone!
I choose BW because when I visited it felt like home and I'm happy with my decision. As a team we are always having fun no matter what we are doing and yet we all want to have a successful season! I'm excited for the upcoming season and I can not wait to meet all the newcomers! See you all soon!=)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hello everyone! My name is Nancy Coulter and I am from Washington Court House, Ohio (Miami Trace High School). I am majoring in Health and Physical Education and I will be a sophomore this coming year. There are many reasons why I chose BW, but to name a few would be the comfortable atmosphere and the awesome coaching staff. During my freshman year I had lots of great experiences on and off the court, and met many new and cool friends! I am sooo excited to meet all of the newcomers that are going to help take us to the NCAA championship!!! GO JACKETS!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monica Gustin
I'm Monica from Bexley, Ohio. My dad is the one in the video dressed in the yellowjacket costume. I love yellowjackets, we are not bees or bugs. Sting 'em. I am studying sport management and business administration.
Why BW?
I chose BW because of the people and opportunities. Now some of my best friends are people on the team.
I love BW and am excited for this upcoming year. I can't wait to see everyone again and meet all the new people.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Reanne Montgomery
Home town: Norwalk, Ohio
High school:Western Reserve
Nickname: Re ( you can call me that if its easier)
Im planning on majoring in Pre-physical therapy Im going to be a freshman at BW
I chose BW because as soon as I toured the campus I loved it and I felt at home and its not to far away!
Well let me start by saying I CANT wait to get out of my house and start college!!! The person Im probably gonna miss the most is my mom, we are like best friends even though she does get on my nerves alot! My two best friends (which are in the picture with me) are going to North Carolina for school so Im pretty much gonna be lost without them! We do everything together and have been friends since 3rd grade. We are all different in some way the blonde one(Heather) is obviously the ditzy one, Im the athletic one, and Ashley is the very opinionated one! But enough about them.
I was actually born Texas but raised in Norwalk Ohio since I was 3, I play basketball all the time whenever and where ever I can I play all year round, my favorite color is orange, this is kinda strange but I absolutely HATE cottage cheese and snakes(yes I am somewhat afraid of cottage cheese) the look,smell, and taste freak me out...weird I know! I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, 2 of my brothers and 1 of my sisters live with my real dad and the others live with me and my mom. I dont think I could go 2 or more days without my cellphone I love that thing lol. I change my hair color alot if you couldnt already tell. 3 of my friends go to BW already one plays for the guys basketball team and the other two are one the track team. Katie Heinlen and me are actually cousins but dont worry I think she is more crazy then me..haha I can honestly say I have learned alot in the past year, one of my best friends actually past away this past December and I miss him like crazy dealing with it has helped me grow and just be myself, getting my ready for college. I cant wait to play for BW and meet the girls on my team and hopefully make new friends haha.. Im ready to move on with my life and not be mamas little girl anymore~ :D
Monday, June 29, 2009
Taylor Rogers
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Olivia French
Hometown: Bucyrus, OH
(Colonel Crawford HS)
Major: Undecided at this point..
Hey yall! I'm Olivia and i'll be a freshman this coming fall at BW!!! Like i said i haven't decided on what i'm gonna major in yet. I'm so excited for school to start and basketball its going to be amazing! When i first visited BW there was alot of snow ALOT! so i got a car tour and didn't get to walk around much. I ended up going back again in the spring and was able to see more of the campus and i loved it its such a beautiful place. I think what drew me in to BW was the people i met on my couple of tours and the basketball program and its far away but not to far from home so thats good. Academically BW has alot to offer so i'm pretty sure i'll decide on a major sometime soon during my first year. I'm so excited to meet everybody soon its going to a great year and season. To leave you on one interesting thing about me is that i LOVE pudding snacks(vanilla) lol. In the above picture is me and my bestfriend katelyn, i'm on the right. Can't wait to see everybody soon!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
JoBeth Roll
Paige Whitaker

Monday, June 22, 2009
Megan Frisina
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Jessica Carpenter
1) the coaches and faculty were very inviting and made it feel comfortable for me
2) My major and other aspects that go with it I will be able to accomplish in 5 years, including getting my Master's degree in Business.
3) from observation the BW basketball team and coaches remind me a lot of my high school team and I loved that, especially how close all the teammates are.
So that is about it, I can't wait to meet and play with everyone this summer/ year :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Ali Stack

Psychology Major; Communication Studies Minor
From Vermilion, Ohio; Firelands High School
I feel like I am about to say the exact same things that Courtney and Ariel already said because I totally agree with them. Coming to BW was definitely one of the best decisions of my life. I started off being a shy girl and all of my amazing teammates brought me out of my shell. They were strangers to me at first and became my best friends in a year. Most people do not get the opportunity to meet people like that so I feel quite lucky! The basketball program is great and everyone including the coaches strive for the same great season that we have accomplished both years I have been here. Not to mention the academics are awesome at BW and I am sure it will lead me to a fantastic job in the future.
Traveling to New York City and San Antonio were some of my favorite memories from last year. Ariel seemed to name off all of the other fun memories so there is no need to repeat them. I can't wait to come back next year and meet all of you new freshmen as well! :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ariel Brough

Political Science major
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
GREAT video
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Season is Over
Going into the summer, we have 2 keys for next year. One, is our returning players must make a bigger commitment than ever to improve and get stronger. Secondly, we will really be counting on some freshmen to come in and contribute right away - so we need them to work hard to be ready. Only time will tell what the future holds for our team. We do know is that we will always be challenged not only in our league, but in our non-league schedule. Our goals don't change - win the OAC and a National Championship!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
BRADY QUINN....... you know that you wanna see him
Katie Heinlen :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
We lost in our OAC championship game on Saturday. We fought hard, but unfortunately found ourselves on the short end and were not able to secure our conference automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. We had lost 7 games, more than our usual and knew we were probably done. There was a slim chance of getting an at-large bid to the dance. However, our strength of schedule must have carried us (we played a really tough one) and we learned on Monday that we made the tournament!
I'm excited to get this opportunity. As the head coach, I've been here for 11 trips to the big dance. It NEVER gets old. More than anything, I'm elated for our seniors!!!!! They've worked hard to help us get to this point. We started the season at 4-5 overall, and 1-3 in the league. Once we found ourselves and got things going, we went on a 13 game win streak. Without our seniors keeping the team on the same page, that would not have happened. This trip to the dance makes 3 trips in our seniors 4 years. That is a great accomplishment in itself. Now, we want to make the most of it.
We face Pitt-Greensburg on Friday. They are 24-2 and a great team. They really defend well and are versatile on offense. It will be a great game, as every NCAA tournament game is. Only the best of the best are left at this point and every game is a battle. We play at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, which also happens to be the site of this year's Final Four. It is a fantastic facility and they have great crowds so that will add to the excitement.
Our alums have really showed us a lot of support too. They remember how it felt to get this opportunity and are making sure our players realize how special it was to them. It's really a neat thing. Thanks former (but still) Yellow Jackets!!!!!!
So this week so far has been incredibly busy in preparing. We'll do our best to make B-W - our school, fans, and parents proud!
Coach Harrer
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Tournament is exciting because after going through a rough patch in December, we have been working hard every day to get better for the post season. I am glad to say that we have definitely seen some great performances both from individuals and from the team. Since my last post, we won against our cross-town rival, John Carroll, on our home court. It was a great game, and our guard defense definitely made a difference. We traveled down to Marietta last Saturday for another “good W”, 75-43. Almost everyone on the team scored, which is awesome. (You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, Monica!) Seriously though, Monica is a perfect example of strange problem we have on this team. Sometimes people are too selfless :) We also held both John Carroll and Marietta to only 11 points in the first half.
For our first OAC Tournament game I guess we wanted a little more excitement because we beat Otterbein College 70-68. It was the closest game that we won all year, and they definitely put up a good fight. When a game is that close, every single person's contribution makes a huge difference in the outcome. Even those who did not get to play helped by being supportive and challenging us in practice! And I have a feeling that I'll never forget senior guard Jessica “Butz” Butzer’s game winning shot with 2 seconds left.
So after getting a day off to recuperate, (which was necessary for those of us who are clumsy and spent the majority of the game on the floor), we got back into the gym today to prepare for who else? That’s right, Musky. Not even two weeks ago they broke our winning streak, so we are definitely out for revenge. Now that we have the first-tournament-game jitters out of the way, we are ready to go! We play them in the Quarterfinal of the OAC tournament tomorrow at 6 at Capital University.
Besides playing in competitive, high-stakes games, another exciting aspect of tournament time is the attention and support the team receives around BW. The campus is abuzz (no pun intended) over our games. Everywhere you go professors and students are wishing you good luck and asking about the season. It’s nice to have that type of support!
Well I better go relax because it is going to be a crazy weekend down in Columbus!
Sting ‘em! Bzz!
Junior Center Ariel Brough, #45

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Secret Valentine!
So the second half of the season has gone much better than the first, and I am very proud of how much we have improved and grown as a team. Although, there is always room for more improvement, we have definitely come along way. One of our biggest successes is that we have learned to handle tough situations and we no longer fold under pressure in tight games. We found our poise in Texas, and we have learned to maintain it.
I am happy to report that we have been on a thirteen-game winning streak since I last posted right before the second Capital game. As exciting as that is, we are really focusing on getting better during every practice and every game in order to be the best team we can be going in the OAC Tournament. In addition to great play by some of our main scorers, we have had some others step up in big ways for us. Great post play was a key in our Wilmington match- up and the guards played great defense against Otterbein. A couple people came off the bench with some big plays as well! Amanda Schroeder received OAC player of the week honors for her performance against Capital, which is awesome!
We are currently tied with Capital at first in the league, so today is a big day for a number of reasons. First, we are playing second-ranked Muskingum. They are having a great season, and like all other OAC teams, cannot be taken lightly. It is also going to be televised which is always exciting. Also, even though we need to focus on our own games, there are some big OAC match-ups today that are going to affect league standings in a big way.
It’s also Valentine’s Day! Since there are only a few single ladies on our team, we decided to organize a Secret Valentine gift exchange, so everyone can enjoy their Valentine’s Day. Some of us have not received our gifts yet, but senior guard Jessica Butzer got a big, pink, stuffed wiener dog from freshman guard Monica Gustin. (How thoughtful Mon Mon.) Freshman post Katie Heinlen got some pretty sweet gifts from a one of our centers :)
Just because our second round of OAC games has gone so well does not mean that we have not come across some crazy situations along the way. I already mentioned the John Carroll changing-on-the-bus fiasco. On our way to Otterbein, we ran into terrible weather. When we were ten minutes away we were informed that the power at Otterbein was out. We were determined to play, so we decided to wait it out. It was a little nerve-wracking though. Luckily, the power came on and the game was only delayed a half an hour. Afterwards, we thought we were home free, but then the bus wouldn’t start, so we had to wait for another one to pick us up. We just hung out in Otterbein’s gym for awhile. Good thing the coaches ordered pizza or we would have been really cranky. We were pretty tired, but it wasn’t too bad. Otterbein’s Head Coach Richardson brought us some leftover cake. I was excited about that, and it was very nice of her.
So right now we just have to get ready for Musky! We already had a shoot around this morning. Before we got down to business we managed to set a school record of how many balls we could fit into one basket. I think we got 7. I had a picture of it but it didn’t get saved on my camera :( So you’ll just have to imagine our phenomenal achievement by yourself. Sorry.
Junior Center Ariel Brough, #45
(Our senior student athletic trainer Jessica Cudnik poses with her Secret Valentine gift from senior point guard Jessica Butzer. They are wearing pink for the OAC's initiative to support breast cancer awareness. For three games we wear pink warm up shirts, pre-wrap and shoe laces. Proceeds from the t-shirt sales benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation.)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Coach Harrer
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Over Halfway Done Already?!?!
The trip to John Carroll, our cross town rival, got a little crazy. Now, when I say cross town, you would assume it would be a short trip. But you have not taken Cleveland weather into consideration. Instead, the forty minute trip took two hours. I didn’t mind, since I was able to relax and listen to my iPod longer, but Coach announced that it would be necessary for us to change on the bus. Chaos ensued as 16 sizable girls tried to change into their uniforms on a charter bus. We got some good jokes out of it, and I think it got us energized and focused on the game. Needless to say, anyone that was driving on I-480 that night got quite a show as they passed our bus. As junior forward Serena Farage pointed out, at least we’re probably not going to see any those drivers again. We literally ran into the locker room, threw on our warm-ups and ran onto the court. I’ll never forget that experience!
So today is officially the start of the second round of OAC tournament games. We play home against Capital University, who is a big rival of ours. Despite a strange bout of minor finger injuries, we have been practicing well. We are excited and ready to go. It should be a good game, and rumor is some of our guy fans are wearing body paint. We always appreciate their support and they make the games even more intense.
Junior Center Ariel Brough, #45
To the right are freshman forward Mariah Strayer, senior guard Amanda Mondrach and freshman forward Catherine Spisak all hanging out after a game.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Catherine Spisak (left) and Mariah Strayer (right) reading with students.
Carrie Ritzler hleping students with an assignment.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
San Antonio!
The trip to Texas was fun and exhausting. After practicing hard TWICE on the 26th, we set off for the airport early on the 27th. We had a few first time flyers but luckily they didn’t freak out. Travel went smoothly. There were no delays or lost luggage, and we entertained ourselves between flights by playing Bananagrams, which is a little like Scrabble. We like to play board games together, and it can get pretty competitive. (Senior guard Amanda "Mondie" Mondrach brought the game, so I posted a picture of just her with it. You can thank me later, Mondie!)

The car rental company lost our van reservation so we had to scavenge for dinner the first night in Texas. We walked a mile to the nearest Mexican restaurant, which was fine because this team will do just about anything to get some food. While waiting for our tables we made friends with some of the locals. One lady gathered our team together and blessed us, which must have worked because we played and practiced well the rest of the trip. I guess we should probably thank her! :)
The next day, after practice, Coach let us explore San Antonio. We took a boat tour (see picture) on the River Walk and shopped, of course. A group of us decided to go to dinner at Dick’s, which is a restaurant where the waiters are intentionally rude to you. We’ve all dev

Our games against Trinity and Mary Hardin-Baylor were a blast. They were the kind of games that remind you why you love basketball. The energy was crazy. Everyone, even those who didn’t see a lot of playing time, helped bring intensity. The buzzing (like yellow jackets) from the bench really helped set the tone! Haha!
Both games were a great team effort. There were a variety of contributions which led to our victories. Whether is was by scoring, getting tough offensive boards, making great steals, finishing "and-ones", or cheering, everybody helped. We had some younger players step up and senior guard Jessica (Butz) Butzer definitely sparked us. Even though we always have a team-first attitude, we were excited for those few who set great career highs.
Ultimately, the best experience of the trip was getting to celebrate two good wins with my teammates, who are also my best friends!
Needless to say, we were all pretty tired by the end of our four day “vacation.” However, that didn’t stop some energetic freshmen from running into our room, screaming, while we were dead asleep. One senior, I won’t name names, was so startled that she dove out of her bed and onto the floor. It was hilarious, but not at the time, and I never will forget it.
After getting a day off and one practice in, we played Heidelberg, another OAC team. We won 91-41, and everyone who dressed contributed on the floor, which was awesome! Again we had a bunch of career highs, and a lot of fun cheering each other on. Now we have to get ready for Otterbein tomorrow! STING 'EM! Bzz!
Junior Center Ariel Brough, #45