We started back to school yesterday, after spending a good deal of the break playing basketball, eating and sleeping. The break between semesters does give us a great opportunity to get out into the community. Our team visited Kidder Elementary in Brunswick and helped out any way the teacher in that classroom wanted. We read, ran flash-card games, helped make Christmas gifts for parents, and even participated in physical education class! I think our players enjoyed it more than the elementary students. We were happy to help out, and also try to show the students that they need to study hard and set their goals high.
Mark Mabry, a B-W graduate, is the principal there. He even dug through some old yearbooks and found a picture of our own Rachael Quiring when she attended kindergarten there! The top picture is Jessica Butzer on the climbing wall in physical education class and to the right is Ariel Brough, all 6'2 of her, with a class. No, she's not standing on anything!
Posted by Coach Harrer - 1/13/09 
Other pictures - to left is Amanda Schroeder helping out with flash card math games. Below is Katie
Courtney Ritzler reading to a class
Catherine Spisak (left) and Mariah Strayer (right) reading with students.