Major: Undecided
Everyone, Hey! My name is Candace Pumper and I will be an incoming freshmen. Reasons why I chose BW...
1) I liked what BW had to offer in terms of academics and athletics.
dos) I immediately felt at home and it just felt like the perfect fit for me.
c) It seemed far enough away from the parental units but close enough to come home every now and then to get a nice home cooked meal and have my mom do my laundry and shower in my own shower without sandals.
BW was the only place I applied to and I'm very happy they accepted me:)
Some random interesting facts about myself...
1) I'm a shrimp and smoothie enthusiast
2) I'm quiet and shy
3) I love dogs
... I'm sure theres many more but that's all I can think of.
So theres that. I'm definitely looking forward for this upcoming season and being apart of this team and getting to know everyone very very soon!!
The picture is of me and my friend on the night of graduation. I'm on the left.