Monday, June 23, 2014

What Shari Said. (LOLZ)

Hello friends, family, first-timers, fellow feline-lovers, anddddd ffffff ummmm... fabulous people? Sure! My name is Ally "Pup" Dehart for those of you who may not know me. I will be a j... j.... JUNIOR! WUT! That seriously blows my mind. Like *boom* mind is blown. I'm old. Anyways... I am studying communication disorders in hopes of becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist someday woo! That's pretty much it school-wise. As for this summer, I'm working my third summer at my daddy's office in order to make some cash flow in order to tend to my serious food and concert addiction. Something the new one's will quickly learn about me haha. But super bummed I haven't been able to meet all of the new freshies yet! I've been lucky enough to meet two, both of which were lovely people, and I'm very excited to meet the rest! So until we are able to meet, and for all the lucky readers reading this, I will give you some basic need-to-know facts about me in the school-style name spell.. so here it goes.

Awkward :(
Loves One Direction.
Like seriously, I LOVE them.
Young, wild, and free. LOL jk I'm old, pretty boring, and if by free you mean cheap then YES!

Unfortunately slow eater. Always last :( Then I try to keep up and get a stomach ache. Ugh.
Proud Steeler fan. BOO BROWNIES.

Destined to be Mrs. Harry Styles.
Enthusiast of musicals. And also a fan of Coach Gallagher's musical t-shirt selection.
Hardly ever sleeps at night. I seriously just stay up because I like to. Except for naps of course.
Adore nerds. They're so precious. Like the people, not the candy.
Really enjoys thrifting, eating, napping, laughing (except when I do my ugly laugh) and walking on
     my hands.
Take buzzfeed quizzes like everyday. They are seriously addicting.

HA okay so those are probably pretty lame, but it gives you some idea of what to expect from me! I'm looking forward to this season so much! I miss all my homies and can't wait to welcome in our new teammates so I can have more homies :] So before I go, I will leave you with this final thought...

How many hair styles could Harry Styles style if Harry Styles could style hair?

Very truly yours,

Ally Puppy Dehart

ps. I would add a fun picture but I don't really know how.