Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hello all I know everyone's been patiently waiting for this time to come! Well it's here I'm finally blogging I'm shekiera aka Diva aka keeks and I am a junior. My major is sports management and my minor is business management . It's kind of weird saying I'm a junior but I guess time flies when you're having fun playing basketball with your besties! Okay I actually don't like any of them lol I joke I love them. I just recently met some of the freshman and they are pretty cool, I mean not as cool as the junior class but no one really is! However, I am excited too spend 7 WHOLE NEVER ENDING MONTHS WITH THEM. They fit in perfectly with us. I can tell they are a talented group of girls and I'm excited to see what the season has in store for us. BACK TO BACK LEAGUE CHAMPIONS AND NATIONAL CHAMPIONS! WOOT WOOT

Well I'm tired of talking about that so here's some things about me I like too shop and talk about shopping and think about shopping and shop online the bad thing is I never have any money so basically I'm just a window shopper sometimes. I haven't done much this summer because I work all the time. Which is good so I don't have too be a window shopper anymore. I do workout well I run and I do core lifting isn't my favorite thing to do. I play pick up games and I also referee summer league games which is pretty awesome. At the beginning of summer I did go to Florida for 2 weeks with my boyfriend and that was fun. After that trip summer pretty much went downhill Lolz! I'm running out of things too talk about. Ohh our coaching staff is pretty cool coach bell is my favorite (no offense to the other coaches) but she likes all the things I like we're like sisters but I got all the color and she didn't get any haha  baileys like an older brother who you tell on too mom because he's a bully coach Harrer is mom and Galiger is our grandpa who is so funny , and the team is like my other sisters,so we're like a big happy family!! I will admit I miss seeing the team everyday and joking and laughing with them all the time in the locker room. I miss the season as well although practices were tough and competitive it was fun,but I do not miss condition because it's torture! Well I'm about too nap because it's currently raining and that's the best time to nap I can't wait too see everyone on campus.. Everyone is welcome to visit Allison and I at Hamilton apartments on campus because it's going to be so pretty! LOVE YOU ALL XOXO KEEKS/DIVA/SHEKIERA