Monday, June 23, 2014


Hello readers, I am Erin, or E, or Erwin, which ever you prefer.  I am depressed to say that I am going to be a junior because it makes me feel old.  I feel like I was just an incoming freshman.  I cannot wait for the year and the season to start though. So... a little about me.  For those of you that do not know, I am an Athletic Training and Secondary Math Education major.  I get to live with my two best friends this year, Ally "Pup" Dehart, and a former teammate Steph.  Feel free to come over for our weekly mac and cheese nights!  Or every Tuesday for Pretty Little Liars, we get into that show.

Well this summer I have spent lots of time selling fruits and vegetables at the fruit stand where I work.  Also, lots of lifting, shooting, and playing basketball this summer.  In addition, I am "lucky" enough to take two summer classes, Personal Wellness and 20th Century World History.  They're basically the highlight of the summer right now....  They make me look forward to seeing my teammates/best friends in the fall!  This week actually I get to be a big girl and got to the National Athletic Training Association Conference in Indianapolis for a few days with some of my fellow classmates.  I am very excited for that little vacation and to learn a lot.  (I am kind of a nerd).

I am looking forward to a season filled with hard work, fun times, and great success! :)

Can't wait to meet my new teammates and reunite with the greatest people on Earth!!

Erin Allen #14

                                                           Steph, Me, and Ally