This afternoon Amanda "Mondie" Mondrach and Ryan Gnagy were married. Mondie was an outstanding player for us and Ryan was a student coach. Even more fun was the reception. It was a blast watching our YJ4L (Yellow Jackets for Life) interact and have fun. We had 13 alums, 3 former student coaches, 2 assistants and their wives, and several former practice players there. It was truly heartwarming to be a part of tonight's festivities. Pictures are of the wedding, first dance at the reception, and some of our YJ4L crew having fun.

The final picture needs a little bit of explaining. A few years ago Butz tried to teach me the dance to Soulja Boy on the bus on the way home from a game. It caused great laughter at the time. So tonight, they called all the players and coaches up for a picture, except once we all got there, the DJ played Soulja Boy and of course everyone wanted a replay of that bus dance. It really was a lot of fun even though I can't dance at all!

I truly have been blessed to have the opportunity to coach and work with some great young ladies and coaches. Tonight was a great reminder of that. I miss them all!