Heeeey guys :) So it is the start of our third week here and it has been nothing but a blessing. I am extremely thankful and happy that I have gotten to meet the team and spend some time together. My classes are a little challenging along with balancing workouts, study tables, ect. but as the weeks go on I am finding myself relaxing and finding a great balance. So we have been doing some nice 6 A.M. workouts and although waking up at 5:20 is a little out of the usual for me, I really enjoy our workouts. It has a great sense of reward when it is all said and done.
So I am sitting in my room and I just finished my first paper which I think I did good on just jammin to some Jason Aldean eating some pineapple! YUMMMM. I know a few girls went to the Country Jam and I heard it was a lot of fun! Atleast I hope you guys had fun!
I am literally loving everything about BW! My team, my coach, my roommate, MY BED, my classes, and the union bkfast! It is a great time and I only plan on it getting better! I absolutely cannot wait for practices let alone our season to start. I am really excited and I think this will be the best experience I have ever had. I am really glad I get to spend it with all you guys :)
This first picture is of me and my roommate, Taylor. I know most of you guys have met and she is super nice and a lot of fun! I am sure everyone will get to know her as the season goes on!
This is the Blink 182 concert I went to this summer and I don't know why this was relevant to this blog but uh, I love them and it was a great time! haha