Wellllll.....it's that time of the year again! Classes started last week, and I have 8 A.M.'s everyday....fun fun. But besides that it's time to start conditioning. It all started Friday with a little fun run plus some sprints through the metroparks at 6 in the morning. We for sure saw some deer out there. :) And today was our first day of conditioning in the gym, that champion maker was a fun time, let me tell you. On Friday we are spinning for our "fun" day of conditioning. It may look easy, but it is definitely a workout. But enough about that, let's talk about something else.
This past weekend, we had our team-bonding camping trip. We had fun on the 4-wheeler and swimming, but then the challenge for the cabin began. It all started with a food-eating contest, and some of the things were disgusting! (grass in a bowl and pickled eggs...gross!) But then we had to act like we were on the Survivor show and complete 3 challenges, all while some people were blindfolded and another was on a stretcher. My team did pretty good at the water challenge and the challenge where someone had to climb the tree....but then came the fire challenge... We were supposed to start a fire using a fire starter thingy were you had to scrape metal into a pile and then scrape sparks into the shavings....we definitely were not doing it right...(but it was a valiant effort by Cat) so we got stuck in the tent. Everything would have been ok, but first, a cat got into our tent and freaked everyone out, and then it started storming...so we all got to sleep in the cabin...22ish people...in a one room cabin. It was slightly cramped...but still fun!
After the camping trip, I went to the Mudhens (thats baseball) game for my brother's birthday. He is 16 now! But when we got home, we had a slight crisis! We have had kittens behind our shed for a while, and we have been feeding them. Well my brother called me freaking out because a hawk tried to take one of the kittens! He got the hawk to drop the kitten, but he didn't want them to get eaten, so he took them into our garage...so now my family has 3 little baby cats to take care of. :) I love cats so I was ok with that...but my mom doesn't want anymore pets so we had to find new homes for them....but yay! My brother and I are cat heroes! And that is about everything that happened this past week that was slightly interesting...
P.S. That picture is of me and my family at dinner before the Mudhens game! Happy Birthday Mike!
and that is all....
Lexi Rohrbach #45