Welll hello everyone :)
I can't believe the second week is already over! This past weekend we had the camping trip at Coach's house. It was....interesting, but a blast :) Basically, we had 2 teams and it was a survivor competition. If it were just a competition in carrying people and being blindfolded, we would easily win....but if we really had to survive in the wilderness -- we would die. The final challenge was fire starting (or lack thereof).... well we REALLY put in an effort. So much effort, that we had to put another tape into the video camera. Props to Catherine...she had some rough paws after making it rain with magnesium shavings. We 'finished' and gracefully carried Jen back to camp. We never gave up so that's all that matters!
Workouts and open gyms have started. I went to my first one on Wednesday. I'm not cleared yet, so I couldn't do any of the sprint work, but I'm more than happy to support all of you. Everyone pushed themselves in sprints and lifting and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming season! I really want to join you guys and contribute, but regardless -- I know that EVERYONE is going to work hard, no matter what their role is. :)
My classes are actually going really well! I love all of them, although i have a full plate. My only problem is Art appreciation...I'm sorry BW, but I will never appreciate art...but at least i have some bball players in that class to help get me through!
Hope the week finishes up well for all of you yellowjackets!
P.S. seee yaa bright and earlyyy at conditioning tomorrow! I'm excited for spinning and Coach Campbell's upbeat workout playlists :) Lesss goooo!!!