Monday, September 26, 2011

weeeek five

hiii (:

Week 5 has just started and I can't believe I've been at BW this long. Between class and basketball, pretty much everyone has a full schedule. I've adjusted very well to the transition from high school to college. How could you not with 20 some girls that enjoy each others company. All of the older girls have been welcoming and patient while the freshman try and learn how things are done. I love the girls in my class. Pills and I have breakfast every day after morning workouts :) and team Blackout (Sharlee, Pills, Audrey, Shari and myself) also had the pleasure of knocking team mangas out of the dodgeball tourney last week. This weekend I was excited to finally get back to Columbus and spend some time with the fam. My cousin and I went to the OSU game on saturday #BuckeyeNation. Now I have exams, papers, and workouts that will keep me busy all week. All my classes have been going smoothly. Hopefully, I will decide on a major soon. This week I am going to shadow a PT to see if it is something that I may be interested in.

Anyways.. T minus 50 days till the yellow jackets step on the court for the first time.
Can't wait for all the memories to come!

Have a good week errrryone (:

- jenna !

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hey everyone! It is now the fourth week I have been here at BW and I am loving it so far! I'm really shocked at how well I have adjusted here so fast. I thought I was for sure gonna be a little homesick but I am doing great here:) My classes are well.. classes haha, not the most exciting thing to do every morning but definitely the most important. Our workouts have been going good, and we are really working hard together. Waking up at 5 20 twice a week is definitely the biggest adjustment for me, because I love my sleep, but after the workout is over I feel accomplished! I love the union food, people tell me that I will get sick of it, but I it's so good to me! The smoothies in the rec :) so good!

Coach and upperclassmen have definitely made me feel welcome, and I know most of the freshman agree! And I love the 7 other freshman here with me too! I have learned some interesting facts about everyone... Larry was born in Kansas and has always wanted to own a llama farm, Melissa's middle name starts with R and so does mine, Sharlee eats jars of peanut butter like it's her job, Shari's had a ridiculous accent, and Cat knows every line in Bring It On. :) Our team is bonding on and off the court. We just went to camp cheerful as a team, and it definitely makes you realize how lucky you are. The people there were great and really loved us! Little Sally Walker walking down the street..... :)

I really pumped for the season to start and to have a great experience with everyone. I'm also looking forward to Florida. WOOO beach and getting tan. YESSS! And I heard the team dinners are pretty amazing so I can't wait to eat!! Story of my life...


Monday, September 19, 2011

Helping Out

So we ventured down the street to Camp Cheerful to help out with their Respite Weekend. We hung out there Friday night and then they came here to BW for the football game Saturday night where we spent more time with them. Everyone had a blast! Here are 2 videos from some of our Friday night activity.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Life Is Fun

Heeeey guys :) So it is the start of our third week here and it has been nothing but a blessing. I am extremely thankful and happy that I have gotten to meet the team and spend some time together. My classes are a little challenging along with balancing workouts, study tables, ect. but as the weeks go on I am finding myself relaxing and finding a great balance. So we have been doing some nice 6 A.M. workouts and although waking up at 5:20 is a little out of the usual for me, I really enjoy our workouts. It has a great sense of reward when it is all said and done.

So I am sitting in my room and I just finished my first paper which I think I did good on just jammin to some Jason Aldean eating some pineapple! YUMMMM. I know a few girls went to the Country Jam and I heard it was a lot of fun! Atleast I hope you guys had fun!

I am literally loving everything about BW! My team, my coach, my roommate, MY BED, my classes, and the union bkfast! It is a great time and I only plan on it getting better! I absolutely cannot wait for practices let alone our season to start. I am really excited and I think this will be the best experience I have ever had. I am really glad I get to spend it with all you guys :)

This first picture is of me and my roommate, Taylor. I know most of you guys have met and she is super nice and a lot of fun! I am sure everyone will get to know her as the season goes on!

This is the Blink 182 concert I went to this summer and I don't know why this was relevant to this blog but uh, I love them and it was a great time! haha

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 3, Jam Out


it is Sunday and the Browns are losing :( I feel like this could be the start of every Sunday blog. Even though I am a die hard Browns fan, they keep breaking my heart. There are still 3 minutes left though so I haven't completely given up hope. ANYWAYSSS I thought about doing another video blog but decided that my current physical appearance is not quite up for being on camera. This is due in part to my second favorite weekend of the year (first is April Reign) COUNTRY JAM!! It is basically a two day country concert held at the fairgounds right by campus. This year the headliner was Darius Rucker, but there were 5 or 6 other bands who played all Friday and Saturday. Even though I'm not a huge counrty fan, I use any excuse I can to wear plaid shirts and jeanshorts. It was a little rainy this weekend, but we did not let that stand in our way of having a wonderful time. Unfortunately, there were plenty of yellowjackets

^^Catherine and Jess love country jam, don't love mud

there but no rain jackets :(. Country Jammers included myself, Jessica Carpenter, Catherine Spisak, Jen Calhoon, Rachel Rossman, and a few other counrty music enthusiasts. Luckily the only casulties of this years Country Jam were Mine and Catherine's flip flops, which got burried in the mud on Friday night. We decided it was probably easiier to splurge on a new pair at Old Navy for 2 dollars than try to salvage them. Other than that, everyone had a great time and I know I can speak for all jackets when I say that I am counting down the minutes till our workout tomorrow morning!!!!!! Welp, the Browns just lost, maybe next week... AWWWWW JACKETS

Megan Frisina


Doin' Work JACKETS!!

Howdy everyone!!
It is already the 3rd week of school and going fast! I know you have already heard details about our little camping trip, but I also have to add that it was super fun! In our survivor challenge I had to eat grass,yuck!! Although I am very thankful I did not have to eat the pickled purple hard boiled egg haha! But through the water and fire challenge we prevailed and were the winners of the challenge, and we got to sleep in the cabin, although because of the storm EVERYONE slept in the cabin which did lead to a fun experience. I, however, was super comfortable on the one bed that was inside :)
Another superrrrrrr exciting event is that last week I was cleared by the doctor with a month progression into basketball! That was an awesome day, and finally getting back into everything feels amazing, I really missed working hard with my teammates. And all the hard work I put in over the summer is paying off :)
Lastly, I just want to say everyone is doing an amazing job working hard in our conditioning sessions, I know this is not the most fun part of basketball but it will pay off in the end! Keep up the good work!

What a great day!

This afternoon Amanda "Mondie" Mondrach and Ryan Gnagy were married. Mondie was an outstanding player for us and Ryan was a student coach. Even more fun was the reception. It was a blast watching our YJ4L (Yellow Jackets for Life) interact and have fun. We had 13 alums, 3 former student coaches, 2 assistants and their wives, and several former practice players there. It was truly heartwarming to be a part of tonight's festivities. Pictures are of the wedding, first dance at the reception, and some of our YJ4L crew having fun.

The final picture needs a little bit of explaining. A few years ago Butz tried to teach me the dance to Soulja Boy on the bus on the way home from a game. It caused great laughter at the time. So tonight, they called all the players and coaches up for a picture, except once we all got there, the DJ played Soulja Boy and of course everyone wanted a replay of that bus dance. It really was a lot of fun even though I can't dance at all!

I truly have been blessed to have the opportunity to coach and work with some great young ladies and coaches. Tonight was a great reminder of that. I miss them all!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We didn't start the fire! (But seriously...)

Welll hello everyone :)

I can't believe the second week is already over! This past weekend we had the camping trip at Coach's house. It was....interesting, but a blast :) Basically, we had 2 teams and it was a survivor competition. If it were just a competition in carrying people and being blindfolded, we would easily win....but if we really had to survive in the wilderness -- we would die. The final challenge was fire starting (or lack thereof).... well we REALLY put in an effort. So much effort, that we had to put another tape into the video camera. Props to Catherine...she had some rough paws after making it rain with magnesium shavings. We 'finished' and gracefully carried Jen back to camp. We never gave up so that's all that matters!

Workouts and open gyms have started. I went to my first one on Wednesday. I'm not cleared yet, so I couldn't do any of the sprint work, but I'm more than happy to support all of you. Everyone pushed themselves in sprints and lifting and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming season! I really want to join you guys and contribute, but regardless -- I know that EVERYONE is going to work hard, no matter what their role is. :)

My classes are actually going really well! I love all of them, although i have a full plate. My only problem is Art appreciation...I'm sorry BW, but I will never appreciate art...but at least i have some bball players in that class to help get me through!

Hope the week finishes up well for all of you yellowjackets!

P.S. seee yaa bright and earlyyy at conditioning tomorrow! I'm excited for spinning and Coach Campbell's upbeat workout playlists :) Lesss goooo!!!


week #2!

Well we are finishing up our second week of school! I'd like to say it flew by..but not really haha getting into the routine of waking up early and listening to your teacher lectures takes some getting used to, but I know when we're all making the big bucks it will be worth it :) haha This past weekend camping at the farm was definitely fun and an adventure! I am a proud member of the team the won our "Survivor" challenge. But considering how hard it was to start a fire and wear blind folds, and carry a person on stretcher to each challenge, I feel like if any of us were really on the show Survivor..we might die. As the winning team we got to sleep in the cabin, while the others slept outside..until it started storming and nobody was a winner, since we all had to squish and sleep inside. As coach said "Champion teams touch each other more", and that we did haha we were like a can of sardines with no wiggle room. Myself being 6'2 and sharing 4 feet of space with Melissa and Jess was quite an experience. It was hard enough to sleep and then Jess probably sat up about 4 times in her sleep and began sleep talking. The first few times I tried to comprehend what she was saying, but when i realized she wasn't even aware that she was speaking, so I just ignored her haha it was a rough night, but an overall really fun time. We all got to do fun stuff and eat a lot (our favorite thing to do), even though some girls threw up from the food challenge we had, I won't say any names (Laurel), it was a great time! Now we are back to the reality of studying hard and working hard on the court and in the weight room. I know the Lady Yellow Jackets will be ready to bring it this year, can't wait!! :)

Let the FUN BEGIN!'s that time of the year again! Classes started last week, and I have 8 A.M.'s fun. But besides that it's time to start conditioning. It all started Friday with a little fun run plus some sprints through the metroparks at 6 in the morning. We for sure saw some deer out there. :) And today was our first day of conditioning in the gym, that champion maker was a fun time, let me tell you. On Friday we are spinning for our "fun" day of conditioning. It may look easy, but it is definitely a workout. But enough about that, let's talk about something else.

This past weekend, we had our team-bonding camping trip. We had fun on the 4-wheeler and swimming, but then the challenge for the cabin began. It all started with a food-eating contest, and some of the things were disgusting! (grass in a bowl and pickled eggs...gross!) But then we had to act like we were on the Survivor show and complete 3 challenges, all while some people were blindfolded and another was on a stretcher. My team did pretty good at the water challenge and the challenge where someone had to climb the tree....but then came the fire challenge... We were supposed to start a fire using a fire starter thingy were you had to scrape metal into a pile and then scrape sparks into the shavings....we definitely were not doing it right...(but it was a valiant effort by Cat) so we got stuck in the tent. Everything would have been ok, but first, a cat got into our tent and freaked everyone out, and then it started we all got to sleep in the cabin...22ish a one room cabin. It was slightly cramped...but still fun!

After the camping trip, I went to the Mudhens (thats baseball) game for my brother's birthday. He is 16 now! But when we got home, we had a slight crisis! We have had kittens behind our shed for a while, and we have been feeding them. Well my brother called me freaking out because a hawk tried to take one of the kittens! He got the hawk to drop the kitten, but he didn't want them to get eaten, so he took them into our now my family has 3 little baby cats to take care of. :) I love cats so I was ok with that...but my mom doesn't want anymore pets so we had to find new homes for them....but yay! My brother and I are cat heroes! And that is about everything that happened this past week that was slightly interesting...

P.S. That picture is of me and my family at dinner before the Mudhens game! Happy Birthday Mike!

and that is all....

Lexi Rohrbach #45