Hello once again, it is I, Janaya! Well it is the last weekend before the second semester begins :( I'm very sad. Break was fun while it lasted. The lady Jackets are on a 3 game winning streak yaaaay and we play Muskie in less than 14 hours. After our win against them it will be a 4 game winning streak :) Also, for those of you who dont know, at the beginning of the season coach promised that for every game we win, she would do any dance (I) teach her. So far she has done: Crank that Soulja Boy, Wobble, Pop, Lock and Drop it and maybe one more but im not sure. So, that means she owes us like 5 more. She will probably do the Wop, Stanky Leg, Dougie, Cat Daddy, and Two step. Those sound good. Any who, I would update you on the prank wars between some of the freshmen and the seniors, but because it hasn't changed since my last blog, there is no need. Well, this is my las blog until next season, It's been real :)
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