I hope everyone had a great break! I definitely enjoyed being able to stay at home and see my family. My sister, who goes to school in Kentucky, was home for about 2 weeks which was probably the highlight of my break. She brought home her puppy whose name is Buddy and is absolutely adorable. My dad put a fire in the fire place, and my brother, Buddy, and I all sat by it while we watched movies. Other than basketball practices and games, I did not really do much over break. Being able to rest and not have to worry about homework and papers and tests was a nice change :). It is good to be back into routine though. I love all of my professors this semester, even though it's only been 2 days. They all are super nice and understanding. Anyway, we play Heidelberg tomorrow!! GO JACKETS. God bless!
p.s. shoutout to Steph...we still need to make that gingerbread house!!!!
Audrey #24