Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Tomorrow night we host mount union.. eww! Not only is tomorrow night a big rivalry game for us, but it is also our Hoops for the Cure game!! Fans and students will come out wearing pink to support us and this great cause!! We had a really good, hard practice yesterday, in preparations for tomorrow, and tonight will be no different! Its unbelievable how quick this season has gone and it sure has been a season to remember!! Beginning back when we all first met each other and did team building activities at camp cheerful, (where we even got to pie the coaches in the face) our early morning preseason workouts, (20 sui's later) winning the franklin tipoff tournament, (hotels and bus rides, need I say more) the power outage break bonding, (practicing in the dark, there really is a first for everything :) ) having campus to ourselves over winter break, and many many more memories! Not only will these memories made forever be remembered, but so will the friendships. Our team is truly the definition of family. The everlasting charm, determination, love, knowledge, skills and strength is what separates us from the rest. I have strengthened and made many new friendships with every single one of my teammates this year, and I couldn't be luckier to call them my teammate and friend. I want to take this time to thank coach and the seniors for bringing us all together. The seniors all have fantastic leadership and basketball skills, tremendous work ethic and are all role models in my life. I couldn’t be more fortunate to have been given the opportunity to play college basketball and be friends with any more amazing girls! My teammates are my second family and I love them all so much!

All out, all day! 
Ya look good, ya play good! 

Go Jackets!
Laurel Thomas

Monday, January 28, 2013

All we have, in everything we do :)

Hello fellow players, curious parents, excited recruits, coach and whoever else may be reading my wonderful blog right now :) So glad you could join us today! Goodness the time does fly when you're playing ball! It seems like just yesterday we were waking up at 5am for our first morning workout, and now here we are with just a few weeks left…6 games to go. It is truly baffling how much you learn when you go to college! Haha I mean obviously you are supposed to learn in the classroom and all that stuff, but I mean out side the class. It's really where you figure out who you are and what you are made of… Not to get too deep on you or anything but just hang with me for a few minuets I would like to share with you one of the most recent things I have learned, so hear it is. College basketball is not always easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.  Sometimes we spend WAY too many hours with each other, and sometimes we REALLY don’t want to run that last suicide. But it is DEFINITELY worth it. The lessons I have learned being on this team are uncountable, the friendships that I have gained and I am confident will last forever are incomparable, and the love that I and the rest of the players have for each other and the game is uncontainable. Truly indescribable.
Not only have I learned how to properly step into my shot from coach Harrer or how to effectively play post defense from coach Campbell, but I have also learned leadership from Meg, Rachel, and Jess. I learned servant hood from Audrey, Pup and Erin. I learned passion from Larry, Nancy and Allyson. I learned to take everything one day at a time from Sheri, Natalia and Amber. I learned to laugh at my self from Janaya, Alissa and Laurel. I learned persistence from Sam, Lexi and Marissa.  And I have learned that it’s ok to be psycho from Tupac.
The point is that every single person on this team has helped me grow. I consider myself sooooo blessed to be a part of this team and program. Every team has rough spots, but not everyone gets out of them. We are getting out. The great Michael Jordan once said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, Go through it, or work around it." We are climbing; we are climbing higher and harder than any team before. And get ready Mount cause you are about to feel the heat of our comeback. We are coming fast and hard.
All we have, in everything we do.
Lets go jackets! Lets rally!
God Bless, Steph #12

oh and because that was alittle bit less of a fun blog than normal, i thought i would add this little video of me and pup singing our favorite song <3 span="">

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great break! I definitely enjoyed being able to stay at home and see my family. My sister, who goes to school in Kentucky, was home for about 2 weeks which was probably the highlight of my break. She brought home her puppy whose name is Buddy and is absolutely adorable. My dad put a fire in the fire place, and my brother, Buddy, and I all sat by it while we watched movies. Other than basketball practices and games, I did not really do much over break. Being able to rest and not have to worry about homework and papers and tests was a nice change :). It is good to be back into routine though. I love all of my professors this semester, even though it's only been 2 days. They all are super nice and understanding. Anyway, we play Heidelberg tomorrow!! GO JACKETS. God bless!
p.s. shoutout to Steph...we still need to make that gingerbread house!!!!
Audrey #24

Monday, January 14, 2013

Great Start in 2013!

Hey everyone!

Today was the first day back to class after our month long break and I definitely don’t like getting up early again. I could’ve got used to sleeping in, hanging out with friends, playing video games, doing whatever I wanted and of course playing basketball every day for the rest of my life, but now I have to get back into my regular routine. I was obsessed the past few weeks playing my new PS3 I got for Christmas and was addicted to playing Call of Duty II, Batman Arkham City and NBA 2K13 which I played whenever possible. I definitely enjoyed my Christmas break spending quality time with my family and friends and getting to eat so much awesome food. I also spent most of my time with my basketball girls (aka my second family) going out to eat, doing team bonding activities, playing in the Michigan tournament and of course enjoying our Christmas party which was hilarious and so much fun. :) Ever since the beginning of 2013, our team is back to the way we were at the start of the season and all our hard work is paying off because we’re on a winning streak! This past week we had our GPA dinner for our two GPA teams that were organized at the start of the semester. How the GPA teams worked was at the end of the semester all the GPAs of the members on the team were added up and whichever team had the lowest had to cook dinner for the other team and themselves. The GPAs were actually really close but my team couldn’t pull out the victory so we had to cook dinner and I have to say we did a pretty good job. I’m looking forward to seeing us finish this season strong because at this rate we’re definitely moving in the right direction! :)    

Marissa #22 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello you fine folks!

Well, today is the last day of break which means.... classes start tomorrow D: this is both good and bad. Good because it puts me back in a regular routine and I wont be sitting there playing fun run all day, and bad because I'll be back in a routine and can't play fun run all day! haha :] but classes just stink because it means I have to get up early which is  a major bummer compared to sleeping in until one like I did most days for break. But it's also going to be nice to see all of our other friends again! Oh, and for those of you that don't know, fun run is an app for the iPhone or whatever and it's a racing game and it's very addicting. I play it all the time and have even had some dreams about it, kind of a problem I suppose. But oh well. If anybody has it my name on there is allydehart (I know very creative) so add me and I will definitely play you! 

This is a picture of the fun run app. My character is the fox and he is wearing hipster glasses and a pair of black converse. He's quite adorable, but it took a long time to work up all the money for those expensive items, but they were worth all the effort! A few other people from the team have the app too and we play it sometimes to help pass the time during long bus rides. 

Gosh this blog has had really nothing to do with basketball thus far, so to fill everybody in.... we are currently are a nice win streak (which we plan to keep adding to,) we eat a lot of free food all the time, we have a lot of fun, we had a Christmas play and we all made fun of each other and it was absolutely hilarious. So all in all, life has been good! Until next time everyone!

Ally (Pup)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Janaya :)

Hello once again, it is I, Janaya! Well it is the last weekend before the second semester begins :( I'm very sad. Break was fun while it lasted. The lady Jackets are on a 3 game winning streak yaaaay and we play Muskie in less than 14 hours. After our win against them it will be a 4 game winning streak :) Also, for those of you who dont know, at the beginning of the season coach promised that for every game we win, she would do any dance (I) teach her. So far she has done: Crank that Soulja Boy, Wobble, Pop, Lock and Drop it and maybe one more but im not sure. So, that means she owes us like 5 more. She will probably do the Wop, Stanky Leg, Dougie, Cat Daddy, and Two step. Those sound good. Any who, I would update you on the prank wars between some of the freshmen and the seniors, but because it hasn't changed since my last blog, there is no need. Well, this is my las blog until next season, It's been real :)

                                                                                                                                              #2 <3 p="p">