Sunday, October 30, 2011


Browtown came up with the big W this weekend!!! :D Gave coach K his first career Intrasquad scrimmage win! Everyone looked amazing this Friday and as a result we were able to have this Saturday and Sunday off. Which was extra-awesome because a lot of us got the chance to go and visit friends and really enjoy the college Halloween experience. Being a broke college child, I was the reincarnation of high school Catherine Spisak for Halloween! I wore Catherine's actual high school cheerleading uniform. OVerall, it was a great night and we had a ton of fun. My favorite outfit was definitely Jess Carpenter's! She was Miss America. It was simple, yet realllllly good! And shout out to Jen and Rachel for making their own costumes instead of buying them. They were a very impressive Captain America and Thor. Unfortunately nobody really knew what Thor was supposed to look like but still, it was excellently executed. Currently, some of the frosh and I are actually watching Thor. I think Rachel is trying to show them all how accurate the costume really is.
Super excited for the season to start! We scrimmage Tiffin on Wednesday. Last year they pretty much beat our butts. Looking for some #payback this time around!! One of my best friends/ ex-teammate plays for Tiffin so I am super excited to play and see her. It should be some excellent competition. Well... I'm off to see watch the rest of Thor now!!! Goodnight Jacket Nation!!!!

<3 Jessica Lairson #3
a.k.a. Larry. :D