Hello Everyone!
My name is Nancy Coulter and I am going to be a senior this year!! Although I will be a senior in school, I will only be a junior in basketball, yes I know your thinking what??It's true! This past season I tore my ACL in December and had my surgery January 11th, 2011. By just making the red shirt cut off of seven games, I will be able to get the season back and play my fifth year. This leads me to my major, which is health and physical education. I plan to be a teacher and basketball coach! :) Conveniently I have to be here an extra year for my major, therefore, I can play my red shirt year! Other awesome information about me is that I have a younger sister who just turned 14 in May and a fantastic mother Patty. This summer I'm working at Domtar ( it's a factory that makes printer paper) where I am working wonderful 12 hr shifts... lol but loving my paycheck! Along with that, I am continuing my physical therapy while home, which is still going GREAT!
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and working hard for this upcoming season! I am really excited to meet all of the incoming freshman as well :)
The first picture below is Lexi and I from this summer. She will be a sophomore this year on the team. The second picture is of me and my two cousins from Easter.