Heeeeey! My name is Megan Pillsbury but better known as "PILLS!" I am going to be a freshman at BW & I couldn't be more excited! I plan to major in Graphic Design and minor in Philosophy. I live in a small town called Vandalia which is just a few minutes North of Dayton, Ohio.I have been playing basketball since 1st grade and then started AAU in fifth grade and it has been nonstop ever since! My parents are Janice & Owen Pillsbury, I have a 22yr old brother named Evan, and three best friends named Shannon, Emily, and Lindsey! It is definetly going to be weird leaving them but I am up for anything. I love meeting new people and I am extremely adventurous. I am stoked to meet everyone on the team!

Heeeelllllooooo There! My name is Shannon Miller, I am one of the best friends and also featured in this video. Megan and I have been inseperable for 13 years now! She has been one of the most important people in my life for longer than I can remember. She has always been there for me, she is the type of friend that will always have your back even if she doesn't really agree with what you are doing she'll still support you. When we're together there's never a dull moment, we say/do crazy things and are always laughing about something. Megan, even though you won't be down the street from me any longer I'll still be back here in good 'ol v-town waiting for you to come home! Miss you already sugar dumplin' have fun and stay classy!

Howdy! I'm Emily Davis, also a featured friend of Megan's! I moved to our school system in 6th grade and MP was my first best friend! She's one of the most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet! Besides myself of course... which is why we make such a good team! We've had CRAZY times together, if you want to try something out of your comfort zone, Meg's the best partner! She pushes everyone to be themselves and to never care what people think, she loves you for you! After 6 glorious years of friendship, now I have to say good bye to this lil' mama! But Meg, you and your new friends are ALWAYS welcome to come visit me down south at UK :) -Pballa & Dballa 4L!