Hi everyone, my name's Sydney Clark, and I don't have any cool nicknames like Keeks or Grandma but I usually just go by Syd. haha I will be a sophomore this coming up year and I am so excited to get back to school. Here's a little about myself. This summer I just have been working at a salon in Brecksville, Ohio as a receptionist and working out up at school. I can't believe it's almost August already, the summer flew by. I didn't go on any vacations or anything but I did take a trip to Cedar Point on BW day and road the Millennium Force for the first time ! I was so scared the whole time in line but I was so glad that I road it after. My major is Public Relations and I hope to minor in marketing. I also have an awesome internship as an event manger this year which I am looking forward too, while I juggle working at the rec's smoothie bar as well.
Our team is like no other. I have made so many memories this year and friends that will last forever. We have a great bond on the court and off. The junior class can get a little crazy, but we all still love them. I cannot wait for our trip to Puerto Rico especially since I'm Puerto Rican and most of my aunts and uncles were born there. It's always been a dream of mine to go visit and now I get to play basketball there! I'm not the biggest fan of flying but I do love going to the beach.
I'm really excited for this season to start this year. We have a lot of great players coming back and some awesome freshman as well. Hope you all enjoy what is left of the summer, can't wait to be back at school and I will see everyone soon.
Love Sydney #4