HHIIII!!! This is my favorite time of the year! No, not because it's summer and nice out and we don't have school, but because everyone is blogging!!! I'm a little late on my blog because my computer hasn't been working in my apartment so I had to wait and jack my roommates computer while she isn't here. Thanks Jo! Anyways, my name is Megan Frisina and I will be a senior this year. I remember when I did my first blog as a freshman and I was so nervous that everyone was going to think I was a big weirdo, only to realize later that they would figure that out anyways within a week. It's three years later though and everything seems to have turned out OK. Last year I did a video blog but considering it's 7:30 on a Sunday and I haven't gotten off my couch all day I figured I would spare everyone. Soo let's see.. I am originally from Corry, PA which is a really small town, but I'm living in Berea for the summer, which is also a really small town, but bigger than Corry. Also my apartment has a pool so everyone is welcome to come swim whenever! I'm only allowed to have two guests at a time though so team swimming parties would probably consist of three people swimming and everyone else sitting outside the fence watching, which sounds like lots of fun I know. I have an internship this summer working at Camp Cheerful running adapted sports camps for kids with special needs. I am a Sport Management and Business Administration double major, and I just got back from a two week trip to Ireland and England studying abroad with a Global Sports Industry program. It was the most amazing/exhausting experiences of my life!! I learned a lot more than I expected to and had a blast. I was a little disappointed that I didn't pick up a sweet accent in the two weeks that I was there, but you can't get everything I guess. I definitely recommend doing a two week study abroad trip to everyone if you get the chance. Returners, I can't wait to see you all again and freshmen, get ready to have a ton of fun over the next four years. The time will fly, but there will never be a dull moment. See you guys soon!!!!!!! AWWWWWJACKETS
Megan Frisina #4