Monday, January 23, 2012

Bloogggg Timmeee!

Hello Everyone!
The semester has started and is now underway! Classes are going well and assignments are begginning to pour in. However, I am excited to say that this time next year I will be doing my semester of student teaching!
As for the latest update, we won our game against Marietta and finally played like the awesome BW team we are. It was a lot of fun playing with everyone and I am exciting to keep this going! Also yesterday the JV had a game and played well. Afterwards we all went out to eat at Quaker Steak and Lube, which I had not experienced before. My favorite part was the fact that we were given "twisty" straws to drink from! ANYWAY! Our next game is Wednesday at Heidelberg, so I hope everyone can be in attendance!

Nancy Coulter #32