Monday, January 30, 2012

Why hello there Jacket Nation! We had an exciting week! We had a solid win at Heidelberg, which was extra exciting for me since Tiffin is my hometown. Then we had another solid win against Wilmington, which was on TV! That was also the 'bring a kid to the game' day, so we all got to act like celebrities and sign autographs after the game.  I think all our hard work we have put in this season is finally starting to show!

Besides basketball, I've just been going to class....8 A.M's every day...and I am NOT a morning person... Besides having to get up early everyday, classes are a lot of fun this semester!

Here's some pictures from the past week! The first one is a picture of my family after the Heidelberg game.  The second one is me and my lovely brother (and Coach Campbell creeping in the background bahaha). The 3rd one is from Saturday and I am signing Becca Kobelt's poster (she might be the biggest fan we have).  The last picture is me and my roommate after the game.  It was a doubleheader so we both were wearing our uniforms!

Andddddd that's all folks! AWWWWWW JACKETS!

Lexi Rohrbach #45

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Keep gettin that gooooood W!!!

We're off to a great start this second half of the season as we took on Heidelberg and Wilmington recently making our record 12-7. We started off a little slow and unsteady but we're ready to bring this ship to our house this year.

JV finally got some games going on! We played Lakeland on Sunday and we will be playing Walsh University this Monday! But besides having fun on the floor, off the floor we have so many activities scheduled. Never bug us on a Thursday night because we've got T.V shows lined up, Scategories, and food to inhale like no other.

Keep watching us win our way to the top! See you all at the Championship!

Gooo YellowJackets!

Jen Calhoon #21

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Humpday


Welp, it's 10:04 AM and I am done with classes for the day.  Not only am I done at 10 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but one of my classes on those days is Lifetime Leisure Activities.  Today we played ping pong, and next Thursday we are going sled riding.  I'm sure my parents are glad to see my college funds going to good use.  On a sad note, Glee was not new last night, so I will have to wait another week to see if Rachel Berry and Fin Hudson are getting married      :(  Instead of Glee, Cathering and I watched American Idol.  She believes that she has what it takes to be the next American Idol, and I tried to prove to her that she cannot hold a tune to save her life, but to no avail.  So please look for her next season, she'll be the girl crying in the confessional because the judges told her she wasn't American Idol material.  Or maybe she'll make it to Hollywood, what do I know!  In basketball related news, we travel to Heidelberg tonight to face the Student Princes, and I would just like to say that I am very grateful that our mascot isn't the Student Princes.  We had a great win on Saturday and are looking to keep the streak going tonight.  AAWWWWWW JACKETS!!!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Bloogggg Timmeee!

Hello Everyone!
The semester has started and is now underway! Classes are going well and assignments are begginning to pour in. However, I am excited to say that this time next year I will be doing my semester of student teaching!
As for the latest update, we won our game against Marietta and finally played like the awesome BW team we are. It was a lot of fun playing with everyone and I am exciting to keep this going! Also yesterday the JV had a game and played well. Afterwards we all went out to eat at Quaker Steak and Lube, which I had not experienced before. My favorite part was the fact that we were given "twisty" straws to drink from! ANYWAY! Our next game is Wednesday at Heidelberg, so I hope everyone can be in attendance!

Nancy Coulter #32

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The beginning of spring semester!

Hello Jackets! (:
         Sadly classes officially started up again this week, so no more relaxing! It was so nice to be on campus and only have to worry about basketball and sleeping, but it is nice to be back into the swing of things. Classes are off to a good start! I have a few classes with a few teammates, which always make class a little more fun (:
         Today the team got together to have a little fun in the gym to play a few different competitive games. In a few games Tali, Melissa, and I worked as a team to stay alive in the games, even though it was every women for themselves in dribble tag. We stayed close to each other and called it the safe zone! Tali and Melissa both made it to the final round and ended up going against each other! It was a lot of fun. Once we finished up, we all ended up getting dinner at the union together, and getting together for Jerzday (Jersie Shore) later in the evening, to add a little more team bonding in! (: 
         Our next game is Saturday at Ohio Northern, hope to see you there Jacket fans!
Sharlee Bailey #13

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It's 2012!! Woohoo!! We are traveling to Mount Union tomorrow, home of the Purple Raiders. Needless to say, I am beyond excited!!! I cannot wait to get revenge on their home court. Mount Union is about 10 miles from my house so I am pumped my friends will be able to come and cheer me on! This summer at an open gym, one of their players gave me my first bloody nose. Ever. In my entire life. "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"-Dodgeball.  I can't think of anything else to say about Mount without being inappropriate (I don't like them).  But other than that, this week has been pretty exciting. The semester just started yesterday and I don't know anyone in most of my classes, which I think is fun. I have Biology 2 with  Melissa! But overall, I am pretty happy with my class schedule.  This is a very eventful week- classes, at Mount on Wednesday, and at Ohio Northern on Saturday. Can't wait! #JACKETNATION

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bringing in the New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 has begun.... this means a new start for the Lady Yellow Jackets! We have two games coming up this week, first is John Carrol on Wednesday and next is Capital on Saturday. We plan to take each game at a time, let alone each practice at a time and take care of what we need to do to win each day..stepping stones will get us to our ultimate goal!

Florida was a blast. Even though we did go 1-1 on the trip, I truly feel like our team has become even closer.  We spent a bunch of time together as a team and had fun doing it. Disney World was a "magical" experience and probably 3 of our players cried at some point...whether it be because of Catherine not letting anyone go to the bathroom the whole day, our sleep deprivation, or Melissa getting emotional over how pretty the fireworks and castle looked at night.  But all in all, we all survived our trip to Disney and it really was a memory made and I can't imagine experiencing it with another group of girls.

Well I am running short on time. Time for practice...a chance to get better!

Cheers to the new year,
Jess Carpenter #33

Monday, January 2, 2012

Just Roll With It

Hello followers! We just got back from the wonderful sunshine state a few days ago. To say the least, it was a great time!! We played Olivet in the first game of our tournament and won and advanced to the next game against Hope. The outcome wasn't what we wanted nor anticipated but we are keeping our heads high and moving on. One game at a time. Next on the schedule is John Carroll this Wednesday so come on out and watch your Jackets :)
On our trip we also attended a Orlando Magic game, a piano bar and last but certainly not least, DISNEY WORLD!!!!! I think this was something everyone was looking forward to! The fireworks, the castle and all the rides were amazing! It was also nice spending time with the team outside of basketball.
The trip started off kinda sketchy for myself. When we arrived at the airport, our flight was delayed for 4 hours. To pass the time some of us roamed the airport, played zoo, cards,, slept and had races... Unfortunately, the races ended after I wiped out not once, but twice going up the escalators. I had some battle wounds but I survived. Being a first time flyer with Melissa and Lizzy, it was a great experience! I'm glad it was with these bunch of girls that have grown so close to me as well!
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and we hope to see you soon!!

AWWWW Jackets!!
Shari #20

The first picture is Audrey and I waiting in the airport. The second is of all the Freshman at the RDV Sportsplex where the Magic used to practice.


Hey everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Years! Last night it finally began to SNOW. Too bad it wasn't like this for Christmas...oh well :) 

Anyway, Florida was so much fun. We went 1-1 but played our hearts out. We also went to the Orlando Magic game as well as Disney. It was so much fun spending time with the team :) Congrats to Shari for going on her first plane ride!! haha she loved it (I think). We had a blast at the airport waiting to leave for Florida. Shari has some battle wounds from running the opposite direction the escalator was going...probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. hahaha :) The weather was great down there, and then we come home to the cold. Not the best thing in the world but it is definitely nice to be home again.

I can't believe the semester starts next week! Time is flying by but I wish everyone the best of luck :)


Audrey #24