Hello yellow jackets :) I hope you are all have a fantastic summer! I can't believe that we have just about a month until school starts!
Alrighty, well I'm Lizzy Ziemski, I will be a sophomore this year. I'm a sport management major with a minor in coaching and publice relations. I'm not sure exactly where I want to take it yet but I have plenty of time. Things to know: I'm obsessed with tennis shoes, eating, and my cat Mr. Paco :)
The first picture is of some of my friends from high school and the second is of some girls on the team when we were at Hammytime!
I unfortunately had an ACL tear in open gym last September, so I missed the entire season. As much as i LOVED supporting you girls, I can't wait to get back on the floor and be a real basketball player again. Sitting through games, practices, scouts/film was honestly the hardest thing ever, knowing that I wouldn't be able to play. One positive is that I have learned a lot and I have a strong mental edge. Although I'm not cleared yet, my doc is proposing around September/October. So I'm trying to do what I can!
I'll be living in Findlay this year with my roommate from last year! It's going to be a blasttt. North campus -- hollaaa! Hope the summer finishes up well for you all! See you sooon!