pictured above ( retired, future alumnist & current players )
So this this past weekend as an honorary weekend here at B-W... APRIL REIGN. This is a two day event on Friday and Saturday where all the sororities, frats, reccos and GDI get together and have four different competitions. There is tug of war, a boat race, obstacle and chariot. To start the weekend off right.. our team GDI won women's chariot.. then things kinda went down here for us GDI girls. Obstacle we didn't place nor in tug and not even in boat. One of the worst performances ever by a group of GDI's. Even though we lost and have the BEST weekend ever and everyone had a ton of fun. Jess and Looney Tunes ( Jen Calhoun) even jumped into Wallace lake. As always.. us basketball girls stayed classy. AwWwWwWww Jackets ! :)
- Catherine #42 :)