Sunday, April 25, 2010

Make it REIGN!

pictured above ( retired, future alumnist & current players )

pictured above ( GDI with coach ! )

So this this past weekend as an honorary weekend here at B-W... APRIL REIGN. This is a two day event on Friday and Saturday where all the sororities, frats, reccos and GDI get together and have four different competitions. There is tug of war, a boat race, obstacle and chariot. To start the weekend off right.. our team GDI won women's chariot.. then things kinda went down here for us GDI girls. Obstacle we didn't place nor in tug and not even in boat. One of the worst performances ever by a group of GDI's. Even though we lost and have the BEST weekend ever and everyone had a ton of fun. Jess and Looney Tunes ( Jen Calhoun) even jumped into Wallace lake. As always.. us basketball girls stayed classy. AwWwWwWww Jackets ! :)

- Catherine #42 :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tonight I got to catch up with one of our graduates, Karissa Kusick- Dominick (we know her as Kuz). She came back to campus to be on a panel for one of the science clubs. Kuz is finishing up her residency in Pharmacy at the Cleveland Clinic. Kuz has always been extremely successful in all she does - awesome student, state championship in high school, everything she does. She has accepted a full-time position with the Clinic on the completion of her residency in just over a month. She was actually offered 4 full-time jobs and had hospitals competing with each other to give her more money or more vacation in order to get her services.!! She is working with oncology patients and loves getting to know them. She is just an incredible young lady!!! It was great to spend some time with her.
I also got to see Jenn Neal and Erika Schultz who showed up to play some open gym. So it was a GREAT evening. One of my favorite things of all to do is to catch up with our Yellow Jackets who are off in the real world! It makes me love my job even more when I see them and see how extremely successful they are!!!!! B-W really does attract the best and help them reach to new heights in life!

Coach Harrer

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Trip to Dayton for the Elite (?) Eight

Welp, I'm sitting here at home in good ol' Powell, Ohio and I have a severe case of Senioritis. So I've decided to do a quick blog to avoid doing any homework. Thanks to the event organizing skills of Catherine "Kitty Cat" Spisak, a group of us yellow jackets made the three-hour-one-way trip to Dayton to watch the UConn women destroy Florida State in the Elite Eight. Along with Kitty and I, freshman Megan Frisina, junior Ali Stack and sophomore Monica Gustin made the commute. We had a fun trip down, listening to some of the "freshest" rap music, munching on the two full bags of snacks that we didn't even have to ask Kitty to bring, and listening to a stirring rendition of "The Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have" from the back seat. The game was fun to watch even though it was a blow out. UConn is a machine! Monica Gustin was on the edge of her seat as she is UConn's number one fan and has been for years. (She showed up to open gym last week in a full UConn outfit, Taurasi shirt included. Embarrassing.)
The ride back was a little less fun. We were all exhausted and a little cranky. After Monica and I had an intense argument over what restaurant we should stop at, we decided to stop at a Steak and Shake for some food. Fights involving food can get heated. Even though we were all pretty tired, Kitty, in usual form, had a lot of energy and made it her goal to keep us entertained. We got a few on-the-spot song parodies and awkward comments out of her before she passed out.
We got back around one in the morning, and even though this little swarm of jackets was exhausted, we had fun time and made some more good memories.

Ariel "Glory Days" Brough

Catherine Spisak keeping things lively in the backseat on the trip back, with Megan Frisina on the left and Ali Stack on the right.

The scoreboard, obviously.

Monica Gustin and Catherine Spisak just livin' the dream!