Coach asked someone to blog, so here I am. I has been an absolutely crazy break. It started off with a rough loss to DePauw at home. After such an upsetting defeat, our team met for five hours to hash things out, and figure out what we need to work on to make our season successful. It was a great but emotional meeting, and now this hive is back and stronger than ever. We won our holiday tournament by beating Manchester and Loras. Then we played Marietta, where sophomore post Katie Heinlen scored a career high 22 points! Let’s go Heinlen.
Rachel Rossman already told you a little about our game against Mount. I agree with her, it was a great victory. Everyone played hard and played together. We trusted our coaches and followed our game plan unselfishly. Sophomore post Nancy Coulter posted a career high and junior guard Amanda Schroeder schroedered the Raiders up and down the court. She had 22 points and played great defense! But nothing beats sophomore wing Monica Gustin’s fake pass/layup on the fast break. She earned herself the number one play on Coach Strickland’s Top 10 Plays of the Game Countdown. Let’s go, Mon Mon. After the victory, sophomore post Catherine Spisak made my career by bravely doing what no women’s basketball player had done before: She messed up Coach’s hair. Catherine went on to have a double double against Muskingum, so that must have a been a lucky noogie she gave Coach. Let’s go, Kitty Cat.
Off the court, this team has spent a lot of time participating in official and unofficial team bonding. We had our Christmas party where we exchanged joke gifts as usual, and the freshmen performed an original poem. Not to be outdone, the returners, all seven of us, performed a parody of “Bad Romance” which I wrote. I don’t want to brag, but I’m going to. I can write a mean parody. Anyways, it was called “Bee Romance” and we brought down Tressel Lounge with our beautiful voices and sweet dance moves. Let’s go returners!
Now classes are starting up, which is a bit sad. It has been fun to hang out with everyone without any outside stress for the past couple of weeks. I guess we’ll have to get back to reality at some point. One thing is for sure though; this team is closer than ever. We’ve also grown so much in the past three weeks it’s unbelievable. If we keep playing like champions, regardless of our opponents, and if we continue to get better every day, then we’ll be champions. Let’s go Jackets!
Ariel Brough, The Senior Center, #45
Some jackets and fans hanging out after the Marietta game. Back Row: student assistant/practice player Paul Crego. Middle Row: My roommate Brittany, freshman guard Megan Frisina, sophomore wing Monica Gustin, Me, junior guard Ali Stack, super fan Pete Taylor, former player Sasha Samara. Front Row: Freshman guard JoBeth Roll, freshman point guard Olivia "Feet in a Furnace" French, and former yellow jacket Courtney Ritzler.
A few of us watched our Muskingum game on Sports Time Ohio at my apartment. Here, Megan Frisina poses next to her parents who managed to get themselves some TV time. Next Saturday the 16th our game against Otterbein will be televised as well!