Political Science major
Political Science major
History, English Literature and Criminal Justice minors
From Powell, Ohio; Olentangy Liberty High School
I can't believe I am getting ready to go into my senior year already. It's amazing how fast three years go by and how much everything changes. I am really excited to get to know our large number of incoming freshmen. For the first time since I've been here returners will be outnumbered, but that's OK because it is always fun to meet new teammates.
I chose to come to BW not only because I knew it was an excellent program, but also because when I visited I noticed how close the team was. All the girls were so welcoming and they had so much fun together. As much as I love basketball, I don't know if I would have survived three years if it weren't for the fact that our team gets along so well. While many of my favorite memories include big plays and great wins, most of them come from my experiences off the court. Here are a few...
-Katie Heinlen breaking into our room in the middle of the night in Texas and scaring Rachael so bad she dove off her bed in terror.
-Dancing at Panini's
-Monica's dad dressing up in a Yellow Jacket costume and surprising us before the OAC Championship game last year
-Rachael playing almost a whole season with an eye patch
-Most of the ridiculous stories that come out of Katie Heinlen's mouth
-April Reign
-All of the cheers that our bench came up with..."Bzzzzz" " Sting 'em!" "You got Schroedered!" "Courtney Downtown Ritzler" "Ka-tie Hein-len clap clap clap clap clap." "RQ for Twoooo!" "Mondie Mondie Mondie... Mondaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"
-Official and Unofficial team bonding
-Being treated like superstars by the elementary school we visited
-ugly Christmas sweaters
-doing Monica's make up
-ridiculous Halloween costumes: Rachael's wedgie costume; 80's jazzercise instructors, Buddy the Elf
-Dick's restaurant in San Antonio
-Obstacle course and dance party on the bus
Those are only a few I could think of off the top of my head! I'm sure there will be many more to come!
Ariel Brough