Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Well unfortunately our season ended early this year, with a loss in the first round of the OAC tournament. I just want to tell the seniors Amanda and Ali, thank you for being great leaders this year and for all the hard work that they put in for our program. It really takes a lot of character to play college basketball for four years, to be a yellow jacket, and to do it well! It was great to get to play with the both of you. :)
On the other hand, spring is coming!! I will be very excited when the sun continues to shine and melt all the snow away. Spring break is next week and I can not wait for the break to go home and see my family! Also, for those of you wondering, my rehab is going fantastic and I am continuing to work hard so I can be 100 percent!
Everyone keep working hard on their school work, hang in there we are almost done!