Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now this is not the end...

Well, last night was a rough one. We played John Carroll in the 1st round of the OAC tournament, and sadly, did not come out on top. This means that we are done for the season, and our seniors, Amanda and Ali, are done with BW basketball, forever. This is so sad because they worked so hard all season, and this is not how we planned to end the season. We worked through a lot of adversity this year (injuries, tough losses, etc) and I am so proud of how we worked though all that. So, I'm saying thanks to the seniors for a wonderful year, even though we are done a lot sooner than we planned.
On a different note, in two weeks I'm having surgery to hopefully fix the pain I've been having in my shoulder all year. I'm slightly nervous, but so excited that I am going to be able to lift and get stronger for next year now. I hated not being able to lift all season, because I love lifting and conditioning and all that. My favorite practices of the year were definitely the ones where we ran sprints, I may be weird, but it's all good.:)
Well that's all for now, Thanks again Amanda and Ali, I'm going to miss you guys...


Lexi #45